Publikationen von Arthur Kocher

Zeitschriftenartikel (13)

Tay, J. H.; Kocher, A.; Duchene, S.: Assessing the effect of model specification and prior sensitivity on Bayesian tests of temporal signal. PLOS Computational Biology 20 (11), e1012371 (2024)
Michel, M.; Skourtanioti, E.; Pierini, F.; Guevara, E. K.; Mötsch, A.; Kocher, A.; Barquera, R.; Bianco, R. A.; Carlhoff, S.; Bove, L. C. et al.: Ancient Plasmodium genomes shed light on the history of human malaria. Nature 631, s41586-024-07546-2, S. 125 - 133 (2024)
Sun, B.; Valtueña, A. A.; Kocher, A.; Gao, S.; Li, C.; Fu, S.; Zhang, F.; Ma, P.; Yang, X.; Qiu, Y. et al.: Origin and dispersal history of Hepatitis B virus in Eastern Eurasia. Nature Communications 15, 2951 (2024)
Esquivel Gomez, L. R.; Weber, A.; Kocher, A.; Kühnert, D.: Recombination-aware phylogenetic analysis sheds light on the evolutionary origin of SARS-CoV-2. Scientific Reports 14 (1), 541 (2024)
Esquivel Gomez, L. R.; Savin, C.; Andrianaivoarimanana, V.; Rahajandraibe, S.; Randriantseheno, L. N.; Zhou, Z.; Kocher, A.; Didelot, X.; Rajerison, M.; Kühnert, D.: Phylogenetic analysis of the origin and spread of plague in Madagascar. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases 17 (5), e0010362 (2023)
Begg, T.; Schmidt, A.; Kocher, A.; Larmuseau, M. H.D.; Runfeldt, G.; Maier, P. A.; Wilson, J. D.; Barquera, R.; Maj, C.; Szolek, A. et al.: Genomic analyses of hair from Ludwig van Beethoven. Current Biology 33 (8), 2023.02.041, S. 1431 - 1447.e22 (2023)
Kocher, A.; Cornuault, J.; Gantier, J.-C.; Manzi, S.; Chavy, A.; Girod, R.; Dusfour, I.; Forget, P.-M.; Ginouves, M.; Prévot, G. et al.: Biodiversity and vector-borne diseases: host dilution and vector amplification occur simultaneously for Amazonian leishmaniases. Molecular Ecology 32 (8), 16341, S. 1817 - 1831 (2023)
Spyrou, M. A.; Musralina, L.; Gnecchi Ruscone, G. A.; Kocher, A.; Borbone, P.-G.; Khartanovich, V. I.; Buzhilova, A.; Djansugurova, L.; Bos, K. I.; Kühnert, D. et al.: The source of the Black Death in fourteenth-century central Eurasia. Nature 606 (7915), s41586-022-04800-3, S. 718 - 724 (2022)
Kocher, A.; Papac, L.; Barquera Lozano, R. J.; Key, F. M.; Spyrou, M. A.; Hübler, R.; Rohrlach, A. B.; Aron, F.; Stahl, R.; Wissgott, A. et al.: Ten millennia of hepatitis B virus evolution. Science 374 (6564), abi5658, S. 182 - 188 (2021)
de Thoisy, B.; Duron, O.; Epelboin, L.; Musset, L.; Quénel, P.; Roche, B.; Binetruy, F.; Briolant, S.; Carvalho, L.; Chavy, A. et al.: Ecology, evolution, and epidemiology of zoonotic and vector-borne infectious diseases in French Guiana: Transdisciplinarity does matter to tackle new emerging threats. Infection, Genetics and Evolution 93, 104916, S. 1 - 18 (2021)
Guinat, C.; Vergne, T.; Kocher, A.; Chakraborty, D.; Paul, M. C.; Ducatez, M.; Stadler, T.: What can phylodynamics bring to animal health research? Trends in Ecology and Evolution 36 (9), 2021.04.013, S. 837 - 847 (2021)
Majander, K.; Pfrengle, S.; Kocher, A.; Neukamm, J.; du Plessis, L.; Pla-Díaz, M.; Arora, N.; Akgül, G.; Salo, K.; Schats, R. et al.: Ancient bacterial genomes reveal a high diversity of Treponema pallidum Strains in early Modern Europe. Current Biology 30 (19), 2020.07.058, S. 3788 - 3803.e10 (2020)
Barquera, R.; Lamnidis, T. C.; Lankapalli, A. K.; Kocher, A.; Hernández-Zaragoza, D. I.; Nelson, E. A.; Zamora-Herrera, A. C.; Perez Ramallo, P.; Bernal-Felipe, N.; Immel, A. et al.: Origin and health status of first-generation Africans from early colonial Mexico. Current Biology 30 (11), 2020.04.002, S. 2078 - 2091.e11 (2020)

Datenpublikation (1)

Borry, M.; Forsythe, A.; Valtueña, A. A.; Hübner, A.; Ibrahim, A.; Quagliariello, A.; White, A. E.; Kocher, A.; Vågene, Å. J.; Bartholdy, B. P. et al.: Facilitating accessible, rapid, and appropriate processing of ancient metagenomic data with AMDirT. (2023)
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