Selected Media Reports 2016
The first great seafarers: DNA from ancient skeletons reveals the Polynesians may have come from Taiwan 5,000 years ago
Dailymail – 03.10.2016
First people on Vanuatu and Tonga came from Taiwan
Archäogenetische Analyse offenbart unbekannte Besiedlungswelle im Südpazifik
Archäologie Online-07.10.2016
Analysis of DNA from early settlers of the pacific overturns leading genetic model
Science Daily-03.10.2016
DNA shows first inhabitants of Vanuatu came from Philippines and Taiwan
The Guardian-03.10.2016
"R" Is for Red: Common Words Share Similar Sounds in Many Languages
Scientific American – 15.09.2016
The hidden sound patterns that could overturn years of linguistic theory
The Guardian – 16.09.2016
Wie die Wörter zur Welt kamen
Die Welt – 16.09.2016
Linguistik: Was alle Sprachen gemeinsam haben
Spektrum der Wissenschaft – 15.09.2016
A nose by any other name: Biology may affect the way we invent words
Paläogenetik - Tod aus der Vergangenheit
Süddeutsche Zeitung – 01.09.2016
Molekularbiologie - Auf den DNA-Spuren der Pest
Deutschlandfunk – 31.08.2016
Jenaer Wissenschaftler klären Genom des Schwarzen Todes auf
Thüringer Allgemeine – 30.08.2016
Microbe Behind Black Death Also Caused Devastating Plague 800 Years Earlier
History – 31.08.2016
Auf der Suche nach dem vermeintlichen Schatz
Archäologie Online -12.08.2016
Felix Thuringia: Wo ist das Gold der Thüringer?
Thüringer Allgemeine – 11.08.2016
Philippinen: Legendärer Schatz der Japaner geht auf weit ältere Überlieferung zurück
Der Standard - 13.08.2016
The hunt for war treasure in the Philippines has hidden meanings
Science Daily - 11.08.2016
Anthropology atlas opens up new vistas for research
Times Higher Education - 28.07.2016
Massive open-access database on human cultures created
Science Daily - 08.07.2016
Вчені створили глобальну базу даних людських культур Більше читайте тут
ZN,UA - 10.07.2016
This massive, open-access database will answer your questions about human cultures
University of Toronto - 27.07.2016
Massive open-access database on human cultures created
Eurek Alert - 08.07.2016
Agrar Forscher entschlüsseln älteste Pflanzen-DNA
Süddeutsche Zeitung - 19.07.2016
Forscher entschlüsseln älteste Pflanzen-DNA
Stern - 19.07.2016
Agrar – Forscher entschlüsseln älteste Pflanzen-DNA
LVZ - 19.07.2016
Agrar: Forscher entschlüsseln älteste Pflanzen-DNA
Focus Online - 19.07.2016
It Takes Global Collaboration to Sequence a 6,000-year-old Seed
NewHistorian - 22.07.2016
Grisly evidence of Neanderthal cannibalism uncovered in a Belgian cave
Washington Post - 08.07.2016
Neandertaler neigten zum Kannibalismus
Süddeutsche Zeitung - 07.06.2016
Evidence of Neanderthal cannibalism discovered
The Hindu - 10.07.2016
Kannibalismus unter den späten Neandertalern?
Archäologie Online - 09.07.2016
Cannibalism among late Neandertals in northern Europe
Heritage Daily - 06.07.2016
Erfolgreicher Pesterreger: Die Nachfahren des «Schwarzen Todes»
Neue Zürcher Zeitung-10.06.2016
Black Death was caused by single strain of bacterium,...
Daily Mail - 08.06.2016
La peste hizo un viaje de ida y vuelta entre Asia y Europa
EL PAÍS - 08.06.2016
Single strain of plague bacteria sparked multiple historical and ...
Science Daily - 08.06.2016
La peste noire est toujours parmi nous
Le Figaro - 08.06.2016
Schwarzer Tod hat Ursprung im Gestern: Jenaer Experten ...
Ostthüringer Zeitung-12.06.2016
Jenaer Wissenschaftler haben Verbreitung von Pestbakterien erforscht
Thüringische Landeszeitung - 10.06.2016
Plague Came to Europe Just Once and Stayed, Study Finds - 08.06.2016
How one of the deadliest pathogens in human history spread across ... - 08.06.2016
How One Strain of Plague Bacterium Ravaged Eurasia
Discover Magazine (blog) - 08.06.2016
Single Plague Lineage Led to Ancient, Modern Disease Outbreaks
GenomeWeb - 08.06.2016
Black Death was season two of a three-part series of misery - Jun 10, 2016
Study Reveals How Plague Bacteria Sparked Global Pandemics
NDTV- Jun 10, 2016
Black Death Genome Linked to Centuries of Other Outbreaks
Laboratory Equipment - Jun 9, 2016
A single strain of the plague may be behind 7 centuries of deadly outbreaks
Ars Technica - Jun 9, 2016
The Black Plague that killed a third of Europe's people can be traced to a single bacterial strain
ZME Science - Jun 9, 2016
Study reveals how plague bacteria sparked global pandemics
The Siasat Daily – Jun 11, 2016
Researchers suggest a link between the Black Death in Europe and ...
Here's how the plague travelled from Europe to Asia after the Black ...
The Indian Express-11.06.2016
Pest-Ausbrüche nach 1400: Einzelner Stamm verursachte die ... - 08.06.2016
Der Schwarze Tod als Ursprung heutiger Pestausbrüche
Medizin-Aspekte - 08.06.2016
Einzelner Erreger-Stamm verursachte Pest-Wellen
Berliner Morgenpost-12.06.2016
Der schwarze Tod: Verheerender einzelner Stamm der Pest ...
Augsburger Allgemeine-10.06.2016
Pest zog von Europa nach Asien
scinexx | Das Wissensmagazin - 09.06.2016
A pestis még mindig a régi
La Peste Noire est à l'origine des épidémies modernes
Pourquoi Docteur ? - 09.06.2016
Una sola cepa de la bacteria de la peste, culpable de las ... - 08.06.2016
La misma bacteria provocó todas las epidemias posteriores a la ...
Investigación y Desarrollo - 09.06.2016
Der Schwarze Tod als Ursprung heutiger Pestausbrüche - 08.06.2016
Study reveals how plague bacteria sparked global pandemics
The Statesman - Jun 10, 2016
Study reveals how plague bacteria sparked global pandemics - Jun 10, 2016
Study reveals how plague bacteria sparked global pandemics
Times of India - Jun 10, 2016
Study reveals how plague bacteria sparked global pandemics
Business Standard - Jun 10, 2016
Study reveals how plague bacteria sparked global pandemics
New Kerala - Jun 10, 2016
Study reveals how plague bacteria sparked global pandemics
CanIndia News - Jun 10, 2016
Archaeology anvestigate Black Death with DNA technology ...
Daily Star Gazette-14.06.2016
A pestis még mindig a régi
Einzelner Erreger-Stamm schuld an Pestwellen
Tageblatt online - 09.06.2016
Ancient Crops Shed Light on Madagascar Migration Mystery
Nature World News - Jun 2, 2016
Ancient crop remains record epic migration to Madagascar
Science Magazine - May 30, 2016
Did humans sail 3700 miles from Asia to Madagascar 1000 years ago?
Daily Mail - May 30, 2016
Rätsel um Besiedlung von Madagaskar gelöst - 30.05.2016
¿Por qué en Madagascar hablan una lengua austronesia?
EFE Futuro - 31.05.2016
Ancient rice may hold key to solving the puzzle of the settlement of Madagascar
HeritageDaily - Jun 1, 2016
Rice and mung beans as archaeological sources
Science News - Jun 1, 2016
Die Besiedlung Madagaskars: Reis und Mungobohnen als archäologische ...
ExtremNews - 31.05.2016
Pflanzen verraten Ursprung der Madagassen - 30.05.2016
Ekinlerin Madagaskar'a göçü
soL Haber Portalı-06.06.2016
Древние семена подтверждают теорию заселения Мадагаскара
Остатки риса помогли учёным разгадать тайну Мадагаскара
Рамблер Новости (Регистрация)-31.05.2016
Ókori gabonák árulkodnak Madagaszkár gyarmatosításáról
Averiguan por qué los habitantes de Madagascar hablan una lengua asiática
La Voz del Interior - 1 jun. 2016
Waarom spreken ze op Madagaskar Plateaumalagasi?
Cultivos antiguos proporcionan información sobre los primeros ... - 30.05.2016
Ancient rice may hold key to solving the puzzle of the settlement of Madagascar
Science Codex - Jun 1, 2016
Rice and Beans Solve Madagascar Mystery
New Historian - Jun 1, 2016
Ancient Crops Help Solve Puzzle of Madagascar's Southeast Asian Settlement - Jun 1, 2016
Ancient rice seeds help explain settlement of Madagascar - Jun 1, 2016
Ancient Rice and Mung Beans Helped Solve a Longstanding ...
I4U News-31.05.2016
Ancient Crop Remains Reveal Madagascan Ancestors Came From Southeast Asia
The Science Explorer - May 31, 2016
Research provides first on-the-ground clues for missing component of Madagascar's past
NH Voice - May 31, 2016
Ancient Crops Offer Clues to Colonization of Madagascar
Archaeology - May 31, 2016
Ancient crops reveal mass migration from…
RedOrbit - May 31, 2016
Ancient Plants Tell Story of Madagascar's Human's Ancestry
R & D Magazine - May 31, 2016
Rice, Mung Bean Remains Help Solve Madagascan Mystery
Laboratory Equipment - May 31, 2016
Rice remains show when Southeast Asians colonised Madagascar
IANS - May 31, 2016
Rice remains show when Southeast Asians colonised Madagascar
Web India 123 - May 31, 2016
'Rice' confirms colonisation!
Prothom Alo (English) - May 31, 2016
Settlers from South Asia are likely to have colonised the island over a thousand years ago
7thSpace Interactive (press release) - May 31, 2016
Rice remains show when Southeast Asians colonised Madagascar
New Kerala - May 31, 2016
Rice remains show when Southeast Asians colonised Madagascar
CanIndia News - May 31, 2016
Rice remains show when Southeast Asians colonised Madagascar
Business Standard - May 31, 2016
Ancient Rice Grains, Mung Beans Hint Asian Origins Of Madagascar Inhabitants
Tech Times - May 31, 2016
Remains of rice and mung beans help solve a Madagascan mystery
Science Codex - May 30, 2016
Madagascar: Remains of Rice and Mung Beans Help Solve a Madagascan Mystery - May 30, 2016
Ancient crops provide a window into Madagascar's settlement by Southeast Asians
Popular Archaeology - May 30, 2016
Remains of rice and mung beans help solve a Madagascan mystery
Phys.Org - May 30, 2016
Ancient crops provide clue to Madagascar's past
UQ News - May 29, 2016
¿Por qué habitantes de Madagascar hablan una lengua asiática ...
El Comercio-30.05.2016
Qui étaient les premiers habitants de Madagascar ?
Actualité Houssenia Writing-30.05.2016
Siedlungsgeschichte Europas: Vorfahren aus dem Nahen Osten
SPIEGEL ONLINE - 02.05.2016
Paläontologie und Genetik - Neue Erkenntnisse über das Erbgut der Europäer
Deutschlandfunk - 03.05.2016
„Geschichtsbuch der Steinzeit aufgeschlagen“ - 02.05.2016
Ice Age Europeans had some serious drama going on, according to ...
Washington Post - 05.05.2016
DNA secrets of Ice Age Europe unlocked
BBC News - May 2, 2016
Game of bones: first Europeans' shifting fortunes found in DNA
New Scientist - May 2, 2016
So wurde Europa besiedelt
Hamburger Abendblatt - 03.05.2016
Die Urzeit Europas (nur print)
Frankfurter Rundschau - 09.05.2016
Das genetische Geschichtsbuch der Steinzeit - 04.05.2016
Forscherteam belegt eine bewegte Geschichte Europas vor und während der ... - 02.05.2016
Neues vom Leinefelder Professor Johannes Krause
Thüringer Allgemeine - 04.05.2016
Europäer mischten sich am Ende der Eiszeit mit Einwanderern aus dem Nahen ...
Archäologie Online - 06.05.2016
Ein Eichsfelder schreibt den Stammbaum von Fred Feuerstein neu
Thüringer Allgemeine - 06.05.2016
Erbgut aus Nahost
Schwäbisches Tagblatt - 06.05.2016
Neue Erkenntnisse über Vermischung früher Völker - Tübinger Forscher beteiligt
Schwäbisches Tagblatt - 06.05.2016
Steinzeitliches Europa erlebte zwei große Umwälzungen
az Aargauer Zeitung - 03.05.2016
Mindestens vier große Einwanderungen in den letzten 40.000 Jahren haben ...
Leipziger Internet-Zeitung - 03.05.2016
Bereits in der Eiszeit gab es Migrationen - 02.05.2016
Woher die Europäer kommen
Telepolis - 06.05.2016
The Genetic History of Ice Age Europe
Howard Hughes Medical Institute - May 2, 2016
Ancient DNA Study Sheds New Light on Genetic History of Europeans - May 3, 2016
New DNA Research Sheds New Light on Ice Age Europe
History - May 5, 2016
Ancient DNA analysis reveals genetic origins of modern Europeans
World Tech Today - May 3, 2016
Ice Age Europeans had brown eyes & dark complexion – DNA research
RT - May 2, 2016
Ancient DNA Sequencing Sheds Light on Ice Age European Population History
GenomeWeb - May 2, 2016
Game of bones? Ancient genes uncover prehistoric European drama.
Christian Science Monitor - May 5, 2016
Ancient DNA reveals ancestry and migration history of modern Europeans
International Business Times UK - May 2, 2016
Prehistoric DNA Analysis Reveals European Migration History
NH Voice - May 4, 2016
Game of bones? Ice Age European drama uncovered by 51 genomes
Christian Science Monitor - May 4, 2016
DNA Analysis Of Ice Age Human Bones Unveils Complex Patterns Of Migration: Why This Is Important
Tech Times - May 5, 2016
Ancient DNA Sequencing Reveals History of Ice Age Europeans
I4U News - May 3, 2016
DNA analysis unveils interesting details about early Ice Age Europeans
PerfScience - May 3, 2016
Ancient DNA Shows All Europeans Were Once Descended From Belgians
Tech Times - May 3, 2016
Astonishing discovery in Europe shows massive upheaval
Morning Ticker - May 5, 2016
DNA shows all Europeans are related to group that lived around Belgium 35000 years ago
Daily Mail - May 2, 2016
Study Shows Ice Age Migration Using Genomes
ValueWalk - May 4, 2016
Ice Age Migration and Displacement Shown in Study
New Historian - May 3, 2016
Ancient DNA Sequencing Reveals Secrets of Ice Age European Population
Headlines & Global News - May 3, 2016
Analysis unlocks genetic secrets of Ice Age Europe
RedOrbit - May 2, 2016
Scientists make stunning discovery about Ice Age Europeans
Morning Ticker - May 4, 2016
DNA Analysis Shows Modern Europeans Descended From Belgians
Science World Report - May 5, 2016
Ancient DNA reveals migration patterns of Ice Age Europeans
Science Recorder - May 2, 2016
Ancient DNA from last Ice Age unveils distant ancestors underwent significant evolutionary changes
NH Voice - May 4, 2016
Analysis of Ancient Genomes reveals secrets of Ice Age European Population
NH Voice - May 3, 2016
Europeans may have migrated from Belgium, Study Reveals
Washington News Wire - May 4, 2016
New Ancient DNA Study Reveals True Ice Age European Population History
ChinaTopix - May 2, 2016
Modern Europeans may have descended from Belgium in Ice Age
Modern Readers - May 4, 2016
Menschenopfer helfen den Mächtigen - Gesellschaftsforschung
Menschenopfer - Morden für die Macht
Why Some Societies Practiced Ritual Human Sacrifice
New York Times, Apr 4
Human sacrifice may have helped societies become more complex
Science-Apr 4-2016
Human sacrifice may have helped build and sustain social class systems
ABC Australia – Apr 4, 2016
Human sacrifice used to maintain power
NZ Herald, Apr 5, 2016
Aufgeschlitzt und verbrannt: So grausam opferten unsere Vorfahren Menschen
Focus online – 06.04.2016
How human sacrifice propped up the social order 4-2016
Study shows human sacrifice was less likely in more equal societies
Guardian UK, Apr 4-2016
Human Sacrifice Is Linked To Social Hierarchies In New Study
NPR (US National Public Radio)-Apr 4, 2016
Human Sacrifices May Lie Behind the Rise of Ancient Social Status
Smithsonian-Apr 4, 2016:
Human sacrifice played a key role in shaping ancient societies…
Daily mail - Apr 4, 2016
Why did early human societies practice violent human sacrifice?
The Conversation - Apr 4, 2016
Ritual human sacrifice fuelled social inequality showing religion had a dark side
Market Business News-Apr 6, 2016
Study: Ritual Human Sacrifice Maintained Social Stratification
Gephardt Daily-Apr 6, 2016
Human Sacrifice Played Key Role In Shaping Modern Societies
Headlines & Global News-Apr 6, 2016
Human Sacrifices Influenced Creation of Unequal Societies
Laboratory Equipment-Apr 6, 2016
Study: Ritual human sacrifice maintained social stratification 6, 2016
How ritual human sacrifice helped create unequal societies
Phys.Org-Apr 6, 2016
Ritual killings helped form complex societies
Cosmos-Apr 4, 2016
Human sacrifice built complex societies – In the News
Science Media Centre (blog)-Apr 4, 2016
Human sacrifice used to shore up social hierarchy, study finds
The Press West Coast - Apr 4, 2016
Human sacrifice used to shore up social hierarchy, study finds
Manawatu Standard - Apr 4, 2016
Human sacrifice used to shore up social hierarchy, study finds
Auckland - Apr 4, 2016
The dark side of religion: how ritual human sacrifice helped create unequal societies
New Zealand Doctor Online - Apr 4, 2016
How human sacrifice helped create unequal societies - study
Voxy - Apr 4, 2016
Human sacrifice used to maintain power
New Zealand Herald - Apr 4, 2016
Has ritual human sacrifice shaped societies and class systems?
New Scientist - Apr 4, 2016
Human sacrifice: How religious rituals played dark role in rise of complex societies
International Business Times UK - Apr 4, 2016
Gesellschaftsforschung: Menschenopfer helfen den Mächtigen
watson- 05.04.2016
Die dunkle Seite der Religion (Humanistischer Pressedienst)-05.04.2016
Die dunkle Seite der Religion - Wie Menschenopfer halfen, …, 4. Apr. 2016

Zur Pressemitteilung/To press release:
Ancient DNA shows European wipe-out of early Americans (Alte DNA zeigt die Auslöschung früher amerikanischer Bevölkerungsgruppen durch die Europäer)
DNA-Analyse: Die große Wanderung begann vor 50.000 Jahren
SPIEGEL ONLINE- 04.02.2016
Paläogenetik: Vorstoß in ein menschenleeres Europa
Spektrum der Wissenschaft-05.02.2016
Anthropologische Studie: Eine einzige Wanderungswelle: So kam ...
FOCUS Online-04.02.2016
Als es Homo sapiens zu kalt wurde
Climate shifts dramatically upended the lives of prehistoric humans, scientists say
Washington Post, Feb 4, 2016
DNA Offers Insights into European Hunter Gatherers
New Historian- Feb 7, 2016
Ice Age human populations shifted dramatically as climate changed
Science Recorder Feb 6, 2016
Tiefgreifender Bevölkerungswandel am Ende der letzten Eiszeit
Archäologie Online-05.02.2016
Eiszeitliche DNA gibt Hinweise auf beträchtliche ...
innovations report-05.02.2016
Thüringer Forscher: Moderner Mensch hat sich sehr schnell ausgebreitet
Thüringer Allgemeine - 04.02.2016
Thüringer Forscher: Moderner Mensch hat sich sehr schnell ausgebreitet
Thüringische Landeszeitung - 04.02.2016
Thüringer Forscher: Moderner Mensch hat sich sehr schnell ausgebreitet
Ostthüringer Zeitung - 04.02.2016
DNA gibt Hinweise
Reutlinger General-Anzeiger -05.02.2016
Major Population Shift In Europe Near End Of Last Ice Age Linked To Climate Change
Tech Times - Feb 6, 2016
DNA data uncovers unknown chapter of human history
News Nation - Feb 6, 2016
Dramatic population change in Europe 15000 years ago DNA evidence shows
Market Business News - Feb 5, 2016
Pre-Neolithic DNA Suggests Major Late Glacial Population Turnover in Europe - Feb 5, 2016
DNA data uncovers unknown chapter of human history
Bharat Press - Feb 5, 2016
DNA data uncovers unknown chapter of human history
Financial Express - Feb 5, 2016
The Siasat Daily - Feb 5, 2016
Major population upheaval in Ice Age Europeans linked to climate change
Christian Science Monitor - Feb 5, 2016
Ice Age: New Evidence Suggests Hunter-Gatherers Were Replaced During Last Ice Age
Headlines & Global News - Feb 5, 2016
DNA data uncovers unknown chapter of human history
Livemint - Feb 5, 2016
DNA data uncovers unknown chapter of human history
The Asian Age - Feb 5, 2016
DNA data uncovers unknown chapter of human history
Deccan Chronicle - Feb 5, 2016
DNA data uncovers unknown chapter of human history
Zee News - Feb 5, 2016
DNA data uncovers unknown chapter of human history
Sakshi Post - Feb 5, 2016
DNA data uncovers unknown chapter of human history
Business Standard - Feb 5, 2016
DNA shows hunter-gatherers were replaced by a mystery group after the Ice Age
Daily Mail - Feb 4, 2016
DNA evidence uncovers major upheaval in Europe near end of last Ice Age
HeritageDaily - Feb 4, 2016
DNA evidence uncovers major upheaval in Europe near end of last Ice Age
Science Codex - Feb 4, 2016
DNA evidence uncovers major upheaval in Europe near end of last Ice Age
Phys.Org - Feb 4, 2016
Nuova ricerca rivoluziona le teorie sulle migrazioni in Europa (Comunicati Stampa) (Blog) - 06.02.2016
Ecco come si popolò l'Europa su spinta dei cambiamenti climatici ...
Gonews - 05.02.2016
L'Europa si popolò sulla spinta dei cambiamenti climatici - 08.02.2016
Fragmentele osoase care pot schimba tot ceea ce ştim despre ...
Descopera – Feb 8, 2016
Un capítulo secreto de la historia: Los verdaderos europeos ...
RT en Español - Noticias internacionales - 5 feb. 2016
Los verdaderos europeos desaparecieron hace 14.500 años
Diario El Siglo - 5 feb. 2016
ADN revela que Europa cambió de población hace 14.500 años
entrelineas (Comunicado de prensa) - 5 feb. 2016
El misterio de los europeos extintos tras el final de la glaciación
EL PAÍS - 04.02.2016
Los misteriosos invasores que llegaron a Europa tras la última ... - 05.02.2016
Генетики: в конце ледникового периода почти вся Европа вымерла
Рамблер Новости (Регистрация ) - 5 февр. 2016
В конце ледникового периода практически вся Европа вымерла — Генетики
Красноярские новости - - 5 февр. 2016
Генетики: В конце ледникового периода почти вся Европа вымерла - 4 февр. 2016
Генетики: в конце ледникового периода почти вся Европа вымерла
РИА Новости - 4 февр. 2016
Deutschlandfunk broadcasts a discussion between Wolfgang Haak, Group leader Molecular Anthropology, and historians at Darmstadt University. Aired on Feb. 3, 2016 [in German].
more, 26. Jan. 2016
Pestbacterie verstopte zich eeuwenlang in Europa
scinnex | Das Wissensmagazin, 25th Jan. 2016
Pest versteckte sich mehr als 300 Jahre lang in Europa
Chandigarth Tribune, 24th Jan. 2016
How 'Black Death' pathogens survived in Europe
NDTV, 24th Jan. 2016
Black Death Was Lurking In Europe For Centuries: Study
Chandigarth Tribune, 24th Jan. 2016
腾讯网, 23rd Jan. 2016
How 'Black Death' pathogens survived in Europe
Fox News, 22nd Jan. 2016
Black death viral strains persisted to create repeated European outbreak, Jan 18, 2016
Clues to the Great Plague of Marseille
Archaeology - Jan 25, 2016
Plague pathogens hid in Europe for four centuries - Jan 25, 2016
Researchers Studying Black Death Plague Collected DNA Samples From Plague Pits Victims teeth
National Daily Press - Jan 24, 2016
Research On Black Death Plague: 18th Century European Plague Being Studied Using DNA From Victims' Teeth
The Inquisitr - Jan 24, 2016
Plague Genomes of the Last Pandemic were Linked to 14th Century Black Death
The Monitor Daily - Jan 24, 2016
Scientists Reconstructed the Black Death's Genome
Capital Wired - Jan 23, 2016
Archaeology anvestigate Black Death with DNA technology
Daily Star Gazette - Jan 23, 2016
German researchers reconstruct centuries-old plague pathogen genomes
Northern California News - Jan 23, 2016
DNA of Black Death plague victims in France shows bacteria lay dormant
Daily Mail - Jan 22, 2016
Black Death's hideout: Scientists reconstruct centuries-old plague ...
Daily Mail, 22nd Jan. 2016
DNA of Black Death plague victims in France shows bacteria lay ...
ScienceDaily, 22th Jan. 2016
The Hideout Of The Black Death
Science 2.0 - Jan 22, 2016, also RedOrbit , Newswise, (blog), Science Codex
Historical Pathogens Survived for More Than Four Centuries in Europe
Infection Control Today - Jan 22, 2016
The hideout of the Black Death, 18th Jan. 2016
Analyse von Skeletten - Pest-Erreger schlummerte jahrhundertelang ...
Sü, 14th Jan. 2016
Pest überlebte Jahrhunderte in Europa - bis heute?
Huffington Post Deutschland, 14. Jan. 2016
dpa-Meldung, 13. Jan. 2016 | Zitiert Johannes Krause als Experten und gibt Hinweis auf Krause, Bos, Herbig-Studie Die Pest überlebte jahrhundertelang in Europa
(Übernahme u.a. von spiegel-online, focus-online, stern, zeit-online, n-tv, rtl Online, Die Welt, Stuttgarter Zeitung, Stuttgarter Nachrichten, Berliner Zeitung, Frankfurter Rundschau, Hamburger Abendblatt, Huffington Post Deutschland, Ruhr Nachrichten,, Volkstimme, General-Anzeiger, Gießener Anzeiger, Berliner Morgenpost, Mitteldeutsche Zeitung, Wormser Zeitung, Allgemeine Zeitung Mainz, Kölner Stadtanzeiger, Nordwest-Zeitung, Westfalen Blatt, Handelsblatt, Kurier, etc.
BBC News, 19th Jan. 2016
English DNA 'one-third' Anglo-Saxon, 20th Jan. 2016
Genetic studies provide insight into ancient Britain's diversity
Tagesspiegel, 20. Jan. 2016
Germanische Einwanderung: Engländer sind zu einem Drittel Angelsachsen
Die Welt, 20. Jan. 2016
Genpool: Briten haben viel Erbgut der Angelsachsen
Times of India, 24th Jan. 2016
English are one-third Anglo-Saxon, reveals study
BILD, 20. Jan. 2016
Engländer sind zu 38 Prozent Angelsachsen
Nature Asia, 20th Jan. 2016 【遺伝】ブリテン諸島での人間の移動史の解明に古代DNAが一役
Meteo Web, 19th Jan. 2016
Ricerca: in Gran Bretagna l'integrazione con gli immigrati esiste fin ...
Europa Press, 20th Jan. 2016
Un 38% de los antepasados de los ingleses eran anglosajones, 20. Jan. 2016
38% angelsächsisch - Forscher lüften Geheimnis der Briten-Skelette
Daily Mail, 19th Jan. 2016
The English are 'one third' Anglo-Saxon, reveals study, 20th Jan. 2016
Briten haben viel Erbgut der Angelsachsen -
A THIRD of British DNA is of foreign heritage
4U News, 22nd Jan. 2016
Using Ancient Skeletons, Researchers Estimate Anglo-Saxon ...
Harian Analisa (Blog), 21st Jan. 2016
Sepertiga DNA Anglo Saxon Berasal dari Inggris
Polish Express, 25th Jan. 2016
Jedna trzecia genów współczesnych Brytyjczyków pochodzi od ...
生物通, 25th Jan. 2016
Courrier International, 20th Jan. 2016
Génétique. Les Britanniques, des Saxons comme les autres ?
„Ötzis“ Magen war mit aggressivem Keim infiziert
MDR Thüringen, Journal, 8. Jan. 2016, auch: MDR Thüringen, Red. Wissenschaft, MDR Jump, MDR Info und Landeswelle Thüringen
Berüchtigter Erreger in Ötzis Magen
Bild der Wissenschaft, 7. Jan. 2016
Wie kam der Mensch nach Europa, Ötzi?
Zeit online, 7. Jan. 2016
Ötzi mit Bauchweh? Gletschermann hatte Magenkeime
Stuttgarter Zeitung, 8. Jan. 2016
Keim aus dem Eis: Hatte "Ötzi" ein Magengeschwür?
Der Tagesspiegel, 8. Jan. 2016
Jenaer Wissenschaftler finden Magengeschwür-Erreger im Eismann Ötzi
Ostthüringer Zeitung (OTZ), 8. Jan. 2016
dpa-Meldung „Ötzi mit Bauchweh“ vom 7. Jan. 2016
Berichterstattung u.a. Spiegel online, Abendzeitung München, sü,, Bayrischer Rundfunk, Hamburger Abendblatt, Kieler Nachrichten (kn-online), Südwest Presse, Frankenpost (Kinderzeitung), Osnabrücker Zeitung, yahoo-Nachrichten, Bayrischer Rundfunk (br24), ivz-aktuell,,, Westdeutsche Zeitung, Kölner Stadtanzeiger
Krankheitserreger in Ötzis Magen entdeckt
Archäologie Online - 08.01.2016
Ötzi untersucht: Jenaer Forscher entdecken Überraschendes
Thüringer Allgemeine - 08.01.2016
Litt «Ötzi» an Bauchschmerzen?
Baseler Zeitung, ebenso Tages-Anzeiger Online - 08.01.2016, ebenso Der Bund, 20 Minuten
Litt «Ötzi» an Bauchschmerzen?
Basler Zeitung - 08.01.2016, ebenso Tages-Anzeiger Online, Der Bund, 20 Minuten
"Ötzi": Litt der Gletschermann an Magengeschwüren ? - 08.01.2016
Ötzi war mit aggressivem Magenkeim infiziert
inSüdthü - 08.01.2016
Krankheitserreger in Ötzis Magen entdeckt - 07.01.2016
Krankheitserreger in Ötzis Magen entdeckt - 07.01.2016
Krankheitserreger in Ötzis Magen entdeckt
Medizin-Aspekte - 07.01.2016
"Ötzi" könnte an Magengeschwüren gelitten haben - 07.01.2016,ebenso: Die Welt, UNTERNEHMEN-HEUTE., STERN , Deutschland Today,,
Krankheitserreger in Ötzis Magen entdeckt - 07.01.2016
Archäologie: Plagten Ötzi Bauchschmerzen?
Stuttgarter Zeitung - 07.01.2016
Gletscher-Mumie: Forscher finden Bakterien: Hatte "Ötzi" Magengeschwüre?
Augsburger Allgemeine - 07.01.2016
Otzi the Iceman May Have Suffered Stomach Bug, says new Research
Canada News - Jan 8, 2016
The Pathogens in Otzi's Last Meal
Science 2.0 - Jan 7, 2016
Pathogens found in Otzi's stomach
Science Codex - Jan 7, 2016
The Iceman's Stomach Bugs Offer Clues to Ancient Human Migration
Smithsonian - Jan 7, 2016
Did 5300-year-old Iceman have an ulcer? Mummy's gut bacteria surprise scientists
GeekWire - Jan 7, 2016
Oetzi the Iceman Suffered From Stomach Bug
Discovery News - Jan 7, 2016
Iceman Melted to Reveal Stomach Bug: Photos
Discovery News - Jan 7, 2016
Scientists discover helicobacter pylori in the contents of Otzi's stomach
Phys.Org - Jan 7, 2016