Selected Media Reports 2020

Market Economy Thrived in Ancient Greece, 3000 Years Before Previously Believed
Greek Reporter, 4 Dec 2020
Ancient Greece Had Market Economy, 3000 Years Earlier Than Thought
Haaretz, 2 Dec 2020
Cereal, olive and vine pollen reveal market integration in Ancient Greece
Science Daily, 1 Dec 2020
Cereal, olive and vine pollen reveal market integration in Ancient Greece, 30 Nov 2020
Pollen points to capitalism in ancient Greece, 5 Feb 2021

Stone Age at WAR: 'Wealth of archaeology in West Africa' reveals repeated coast conquests
Daily Express, 23 Nov 2020
Middle Stone Age Populations Repeatedly Occupied West African Coast
HeritageDaily, 23 Nov 2020
Middle Stone Age populations repeatedly occupied West African coast
Science Daily, 21 Nov 2020

Occidente influyó en la creación de grandes imperios de Mongolia
National Geographic, 20 Nov 2020
Le impronte genetiche degli imperi dell'Asia Centrale: l'analisi del genoma svela le dinamiche ...
Meteo Web, 7 Nov 2020
Study Unravels the Mysterious Origins of Nomadic Mongolian Empires
Ancient Origins, 7 Nov 20
Population dynamics and the rise of empires in Inner Asia
Science Daily, 5 Nov 2020
Ancient DNA Sequences Spell Out Population History in Eastern Eurasian Steppe Region
GenomeWeb, 5 Nov 2020
Binicilik, Moğolların Multietnik İmparatorluk Kurmasını Sağladı
Arkeofili, 19 Nov 2020
Генетический анализ раскрывает историю монгольской империи
РИА Новости, 5 Nov 2020

River that ran through Thar desert 1,72,000 years ago found
Times of India, 22 Oct 2020
Research shows evidence of a river flowing through the Thar Desert 172000 years ago
The Hindu, 21 Oct 2020
Sebuah Sungai Yang Hilang Sekitar 172.000 Tahun Yang Lalu Baru Saja Ditemukan Di Gurun ..., 24 Oct 2020
'Lost' river that ran through central Thar desert 1,72,000 years ago found
Times Now, 24 Oct 2020
Scientists Find Evidence of 'Lost' River That Flowed through Rajasthan's Thar Desert 1,72000 ...
The Weather Channel, 23 Oct 2020
Thar desert: Lost river flowed through 1,72000 years ago near Bikaner in Rajasthan
Oneindia, 22 Oct 2020
அடேங்கப்பா... 1.72 லட்சம் வருஷமா? தார் பாலைவனத்தில் ...
Samayam Tamil, , 22 Oct 2020
থর মরুভূমিতে আজ থেকে ১ লাখ ৭২ বছর আগেও ছিল নদীর স্রোত!
প্রিয়.কম, , 22 Oct 2020
মরুভূমির মাঝে বহমান নদী! প্রায় ২ লক্ষ বছর আগের ...
Sangbad Pratidin, 21 Oct 2020
Archaeology: Oldest securely dated evidence for a river flowing through the Thar Desert, Western ...
Tdnews, 20 Oct 2020 'Lost' river that flowed through Thar Desert 172k years ago found

It Was Growing Rainforests That Killed Off Southeast Asia’s Giant Hyenas and Other Megafauna
Gizmodo Australia – 9.10. 2020
Past tropical forest changes drove megafauna and hominin extinctions
Science Daily – 7.10. 2020
Grasland weg, Riesensäugetiere weg
Deutschlandfunk Nova – 7.10. 2020
Tier & Mensch im Bann einer Transformation – 7.10. 2020
Rainforests led to extinction of megafauna in Southeast Asia, study says
Forests News, Center for International Forestry Research, 9 Oct
Past Tropical Forest Changes Drove Megafauna and Hominin Extinctions
HeritageDaily, 8 Oct 2020
Cientistas revelam as causas do desaparecimento da megafauna asiática
Mega Curioso Mobile, 13 Oct 2020

Was Sie bestimmt nicht über alten Kot wussten – aber wissen wollen
Die Welt – 22.10. 2020
Scientists get hands dirty with research into medieval poop
The Guardian – 9.10. 2020
Archaeologists Mine Medieval Toilets for Traces of Gut Microbiomes
Smithsonian Magazine – 8.10. 2020
A tale of two cesspits
Cosmos – 6.10. 2020
Archaeologists delved into medieval cesspits to study old gut microbiomes
Ars Technica– 6.10. 2020
Latrinen konservieren Darmflora des Mittelalters
Spektrum – 5.10. 2020
Medieval poo holds clues to health of modern-day gut microbiome
BBC Science Focus – 5.10. 2020
New Research Proves the Feasibility of Retrieving Bacterial DNA From Ancient Latrines
HeritageDaily, 5 Oct 2020
Researchers study medieval poop to understand modern allergies and obesity
New York Post, 5 Oct 2020
Microbiota medievale: dalle fogne la possibilità di caratterizzarlo
Microbiologia Italia, 16 Oct 2020
Archaeology breakthrough: Ancient excrement may prove decisive in fighting modern diseases
Daily Express, 16 Oct 2020
A tale of two cesspits: DNA reveals intestinal health in Medieval Europe and Middle East
Science Daily, 5 Oct 2020

120.000 Jahre alt: Menschliche Spuren auf Arabischer Halbinsel entdeckt
RND – 22.09. 2020
Human Footprints Found in Saudi Arabia May Be 120,000 Years Old
Smithsonian Magazine – 21.09. 2020
Important steps on the Arabian Peninsula
Cosmos – 19.09. 2020
Mensch erreichte Arabien schon vor 120.000 Jahren – 18.09. 2020
Footprints in Saudi Arabia could prove humans were there 120,000 years ago
The Jerusalem Post, 22 Sep 2020
Jejak Kaki Manusia Berusia 120 Ribu Tahun Ditemukan di Arab Saudi
National Geographic Indonesia, 19 Sept 2020
Descubren las evidencias más tempranas de Homo sapiens en la Península Arábiga
Historia National Geographic, 3 Oct 2020
Pegadas Antigas na Arábia Saudita Revelam Passo Intrigante nas Primeiras Migrações Humanas
National Geographic, 22 Sept 2020Unas huellas humanas revelan que hubo vida hace 120.000 años en Arabia
AS, 24 Sep 2020
Pegadas mais antigas encontradas na Arábia Saudita revelam etapa intrigante da migração humana
National Geographic, 1 Oct 2020
These 120000-year-old footprints offer early evidence for humans in Arabia
Science Magazine, 17 Sept 2020
Las huellas más antiguas en Arabia Saudita revelan un paso intrigante en la migración humana temprana
National Geographic, 22 Sep 2020
Antiguas huellas humanas en Arabia Saudita de hace ...
Noticias de la Ciencia, 21 Sep 2020
Fossilised footprints reveal a mother and child's treacherous journey 13,000 years ago
Daily Mail, 15 Oct 2020
Pegadas humanas revelam ambiente da Arábia Saudita há ...
Revista Planeta, 20 Sep 2020
Las huellas humanas más antiguas de la Tierra revelan el
Diario de Cuba, 3 Oct 2020
Ancient human footprints in Saudi Arabia give glimpse of Arabian ecology 120000 years ago
Newswise, 19 Sept 2020

Mustatil-Monumente: Mauern, die verbinden, statt zu trennen
NZZ am Sonntag - 10.10. 2020
Mustatils: Megabauten der Steinzeit in Saudi-Arabien
Baublatt – 28.08. 2020
Rätselhafte Ur-Monumente Arabiens – 27.08. 2020
Rätselhafte Rechtecke dienten uralten Ritualen
Spektrum – 21.08. 2020
More Ancient Mysterious Stone Structures Found in Saudi Arabia
Ancient Origins – 19.08. 2020
Saudi Arabia’s Stone Structures Investigated
Archaeology - 18.08. 2020

Genome Biology Papers on 17th Century TB
GenomeWeb – 19.08. 2020
Genome Study Yields New Date for Arrival of TB in Europe
Archaeology – 17.08. 2020
Remains of 17th century Bishop provide insights into the origins of tuberculosis
News-Medical – 15.08. 2020
Remains of 17th century bishop support neolithic emergence of tuberculosis

An allem ist Columbus schuld
Wiener Zeitung – 19.08.2020
Syphilis Circulating Early in Europe
GenomeWeb – 17.08.2020
Did Christopher Columbus bring syphilis to Europe? Study puts myth to rest
Study Finds - 17.08.2020
Die Syphilis ist älter als gedacht
Berliner Zeitung – 16.08.2020
DNA Study Tracks Europe's Medieval Syphilis Epidemic
Archaeology – 14.08.2020
Kolumbus hatte die Syphilis nicht eingeschleppt
Spektrum – 14.08.2020
New study sheds light on syphilis origin riddle
SwissInfo – 13.08. 2020

Urmenschen im Regenwald – so überlebten sie
National Geographic Deutschland – 7.07.2020
48,000-year-old arrowheads found in Sri Lankan cave
BBC Science Focus – 20.06.2020
Evidence of Early Bow-and-Arrow Hunting Discovered in Sri Lanka
Smithsonian Magazine – 17.06.2020
45,000-year-old Arrows in Sri Lanka Show How We Conquered the World
Haaretz – 16.06.2020
Ancient tools show how humans adapted to rainforests
National Geographic UK – 16.06.2020
Ältester Pfeil-und-Bogen-Fund außerhalb Afrikas
Deutschlandfunk Nova – 14.06.2020
Ältester Beleg für den Gebrauch von Pfeil und Bogen außerhalb Afrikas
Zeit Online – 12.06.2020

Researchers surprised by findings in burial from medieval times
Delfi.en - 21.06.2020
Eine Tropenkrankheit in Nordeuropa – 16.06.2020
Medieval Grave in Europe Yields Trace of Tropical Malady
Archaeology – 15.06.2020
Genomic analysis of medieval skeletons has important implications for syphilis history in Europe
News-Medical – 12.06.2020

Karibik wurde in drei Wellen besiedelt – 9.06.2020
DNA Study Tackles Caribbean Migration History
Archaeology – 8.06.2020
Human waves populated the Caribbean islands
Cosmos – 6.06.2020
"Meeresautobahn" in die Karibik
Wiener Zeitung – 4.06.2020
Caribbean islands were settled on THREE different occasions between 8,000 and 2,800 years ago, ancient genome analysis reveals
Daily Mail – 4.06.2020
Ancient genomic insights into the early population of the Caribbean
Phys.Org – 4.06.2020
Ancient DNA provides new insights into the early peopling of the Caribbean
ScienceDaily – 4.06.2020

Ancient genomes link subsistence change and human migration in northern China
ScienceDaily – 1.06.2020
Ancient DNA Study in Northern China Links Population Migrations, Agriculture Shifts
GenomeWeb – 1.06.2020
Ancient genomes link subsistence change and human migration in northern China
Phys.Org - 1.06.2020

Raffinierte Rabenvögel
BR-Wissen - 9.06.2020
Rabenvögel: Klug durch lange Kindheit – 8.06.2020
Like humans, these big-brained birds may owe their smarts to long childhoods
Science Magazine – 8.06.2020
Extended parenting helps young birds grow smarter
Inside Ecology – 4.06.2020
For the evolution of smarts, parents matter
Cosmos Magazine – 3.06.2020
Long childhoods and extended parenting help young crows grow smarter
Phys.Org – 1.06.2020

Skeletal remains of 'Lady in the Well' of Central Asian heritage found among ruins of ancient Turkish civilization reveal long-distance migrations began as long as 4,000 years ago
Daily Mail – 1.06.2020
Filling gaps in our understanding of how cities began to rise
Harvard Gazette - 29.05.2020
Genomic analysis shows long-term genetic mixing in West Asia before world's first cities
Phys.Org – 28.05.2020
Western Asia connected before rise of cities
Cosmos – 28.05.2020
Ancient DNA Studies in the Near East Detail Complex, Interconnected Population Histories
GenomeWeb – 28.05.2020

14,000-Year-Old Ancestor of Native Americans Identified in Russia
Archaeology – 21.05. 2020
Archeologists identify 14,000-year-old Siberian ancestor of early inhabitants of North America, the oldest known genetic link between the two regions ever documented
Daily Mail - 21.05.2020
A new old link between Siberia and America
Cosmos - 20.05.2020
Ancient DNA From Siberia Provides Oldest Genetic Link to Native Americans
Gizmodo - 20.05.2020
Die ersten Amerikaner kamen aus Sibirien
Berliner Zeitung - 20.05.2020
Neuer Nachweis: Amerika wurde einst von Sibirien aus besiedelt
BR 24

Boa Bones Identified at Caribbean Archaeological Sites
Archaeology - 15.05.2020
Beads made of boa bones identified in lesser Antilles
Phys.Org - 14.05.2020

Pofatu: A new database for geochemical 'fingerprints' of artefacts
Phys.Org – 13.05.2020
Pofatu: A new database for geochemical 'fingerprints' of artefacts
ScienceDaily - 13.05.2020

Invasive Qualle frisst ihre Kinder
Der Standard – 8.05.2020
Warty comb jelly, scourge of fisheries, also eats its young
The Guardian – 7.05.2020
Rippenquallen fressen eigenen Nachwuchs
ORF – 7.05.2020
Some comb jellies survive the winter by eating their young
Science Magazine – 7.05.2020
Glitschige Kannibalen - Rippenquallen verzehren eigenen Nachwuchs
Luzerner Zeitung – 7.05.2020
Jellyfish survive 'extreme' winters by eating own offspring, study finds
The Telegraph – 7.05.2020
Achtung, Kannibalen! Qualle frisst ihre Kinder
RTL Online – 7.05.2020
Cannibalism helps invading invertebrates survive severe conditions
Phys.Org – 7.05.2020
Some comb jellies cannibalize their young when food is scarce
Science News – 7.05.2020

New Analysis Suggests These Three Men Were Among the First Africans Enslaved in the Americas
Smithsonian Magazine – 4.05.2020
Possible Remains of First-Generation Enslaved Africans Identified
Archaeology – 4.05.2020
3 Africans in Mexico City Grave Tell Stories of Slavery’s Toll
New York Times – 1.05.2020
The personal stories of 3 enslaved Africans, as told by their bones
CNN – 30.04.2020
Three men were buried in Mexico 500 years ago. DNA and bones reveal their stories of enslavement
Science Magazine – 30.04.2020
16th century skeletons suggest the slave trade brought some diseases to Mexico
Science News – 30.04.2020
The story of three African slaves during Spanish colonialism, as told by their bones
ScienceDaily – 30.04.2020
Three skeletons unearthed in a mass grave in Mexico reveal the first African slaves transported to Latin America by Spanish conquistadors 500 years ago were beaten, shot and riddled with disease
Daily Mail – 30.04.2020

Evidence of Late Pleistocene human colonization of isolated islands beyond Wallace's Line
ScienceDaily - 29.04.2020
Evidence of Late Pleistocene human colonization of isolated islands beyond Wallace's Line
Phys.Org – 29.04.2020

Milch und Käse lieben wir schon seit 4500 Jahren
Thuner Tagblatt - 26.04.2020
Die Schweizer vor 5000 Jahren lebten in Parallelgesellschaften - das sehen Archäologen anhand von Gräbern
St. Galler Tagblatt – 21.04.2020
Early incomers to Europe kept distance for centuries
The Times – 21.04.2020
«Schweizer» tranken schon vor 5000 Jahren Milch
Berner Oberländer – 20.04.2020
Neolithic genomes from modern-day Switzerland indicate parallel ancient societies
ScienceDaily – 20.04.2020
Neolithic, Bronze Age Population Dynamics Drawn From Ancient Central European Genomes
GenomeWeb – 20.04.2020
Neolithic DNA Reveals Surprising Truth of the Yamnaya Culture in Europe
Ancient Origins – 20.04.2020

Wer hat diese Geschäftchen hinterlassen? - 23.04.2020
Was Sie bestimmt nicht über alten Kot wussten – aber wissen wollen
Die Welt - 22.04.2020
Artificial Intelligence Identifies Ancient Dog Poop
Archaeology - 20.04.2020
Artificial Intelligence Gives Researchers the Scoop on Ancient Poop
Smithsonian Magazine - 20.04.2020
The Origin of Poop: AI to Predict Source of Ancient Feces
Ancient Origins - 19.04.2020
The archaeological record is full of dog poop
Science Magazine - 17.04.2020
coproID gets the poop on source of fossilized feces
New Atlas- 17.04.2020
Does This 7,000-Year-Old Poop Belong to a Human or Dog? Machine Learning Has the Answer
Vice – 17.04.2020
On the origin of feces: CoproID reliably predicts sources of ancient poop
Phys.Org – 17.04.2020
Kotsteine von Hund und Mensch lassen sich genauer unterscheiden
Deutschlandfunk Nova – 17.04.2020

Ancient echoes in a climate of change
Nature Middle East - 7.04.2020
Societal transformations and resilience in Arabia across 12,000 years of climate change
Phys.Org - 6.04.2020
Ancient Adaptations for Climate Change a Lesson for Today
Courthouse News Service – 6.04. 2020

Was die Mongolen-Reiche nährte -5.03.2020
Skeletal Analysis Hints at Millet Consumption in Mongolia
Archaeology – 4.03.2020
Ancient Mongolian empires sustained themselves with millet
AKIpress – 4.03.2020
How millet sustained Mongolia's empires
Phys.Org – 3.03.2020
How millets sustained Mongolia's empires
ScienceDaily – 3.03.2020

Early evidence of horse milk consumption unearthed
Horsetalk – 8.03.2020
5,000-year-old milk proteins point to the importance of dairying in eastern Eurasia
ScienceDaily – 2.03.2020

Anthropogenic Seed Dispersal: Rethinking The Origins Of Plant Domestication
Eurasia Review – 29.02.2020
The co-evolution of plants and humans
Cosmos – 28.02.2020
Anthropogenic seed dispersal: Rethinking the origins of plant domestication
Science Daily – 27.02.2020

Early humans lived in northern India 80,000 years ago
The Hindu – 27.02.2020
Als die Menschheit einem Mega-Vulkanausbruch trotzte
Der Standard – 26.02.2020
Humans survived volcanic super-eruption, research suggests
Cosmos – 26.02.2020
Most Powerful Supervolcano Eruption In The Last 28 Million Years Had No Effect On Human Evolution
Forbes – 26.02.2020
Surprisingly, Humanity Survived the Super-volcano 74,000 Years Ago
Haaretz – 26.02.2020
Did humans in India survive a super-volcano eruption 74,000 years ago?
Deccan Herald - 26.02.2020
Ancient humans lived through a massive volcanic eruption 74,000 years ago
CNN – 25.02.2020
Humans in India may have survived supereruption 74,000 years ago
Science Magazine – 25.02.2020
Did early humans in India survive a supervolcano?
National Geographic – 25.02.2020
Menschheit trotzte Supervulkan
Spektrum – 25.02.2020
More humans than thought survived volcanic super-eruption 74,000 years ago, scientists find
Independent – 25.02.2020
Humans in Asia survived volcanic super-eruption 70,000 years ago, study reveals
The Telegraph – 25.02.2020

Historischen Krankheitserregern auf der Spur
HPD - 5.03.2020
Erregerzucht im Zuge der Viehzucht - 27.02.2020
Gefährliche Nähe: Ackerbau und Viehzucht brachten Krankheiten
Laborpraxis – 25.02.2020
Oldest Reconstructed Bacterial Genomes Link Agricultural Shift With New Diseases
Technology Networks – 25.02.2020
Oldest Reconstructed Bacterial Genomes Link Agricultural Shift With New Diseases – 25.02.2020
Scientists Analyze Early Farmers’ Salmonella Genomes
Archaeology – 25.02.2020
Oldest reconstructed bacterial genomes link farming, herding with emergence of new disease
ScienceDaily – 24.02.2020
Farming gave us salmonella, ancient DNA suggests
Science Magazine – 24.02.2020
Oldest reconstructed bacterial genomes link farming, herding with emergence of new disease during Neolithic revolution
HeritageDaily – 24.02.2020

5200 Jahre altes Getreide datiert Austausch von Nutzpflanzen um 1000 Jahre zurück
Epoch Times - 17.02.2020
5,200-Year-Old Grains In Eastern Altai Mountains Redate Trans-Eurasian Crop Exchange
Eurasia Review - 16.02.2020
5200-year-old grains in the eastern Altai Mountains redate trans-Eurasian crop exchange
ScienceDaily - 14.02.2020
Trans-Eurasian crop exchange began 3,000 years earlier than thought
UPI - 14.02.2020
• 5,200-year-old grains in the eastern Altai Mountains redate trans-Eurasian crop exchange
Phys.Org . 14.02.2020

The storybook of trees
Cosmos - 7.02.2020
Tropical trees are living time capsules of human history
Phys.Org - 6.02.2020
Trees in the Amazon are time capsules of human history, from culture to colonialism
ScienceDaily - 6.02.2020
Trees of amazon rainforest are ‘time capsule’ of human history, absorbing details of their surroundings over hundreds of years
Newsweek - 6.02.2020

Interdisciplinary study reveals new insights into the evolution of signed languages/ Interdisziplinäre Studie gewährt neue Einblicke in die Evolution von Gebärdensprachen
Die stille Revoultion
Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung - 15.11.2020
Wieso Gebärdensprache so vielfältig ist
Süddeutsche Zeitung - 8.02.2020
Interdisciplinary study reveals new insights into evolution of signed languages
Mirage News - 22.01.2020
Der Stammbaum der Gebärdensprachen - 22.01.2020
Der Stammbaum der Gebärdensprachen hat österreichische Wurzeln
Der Standard - 19.01.2020

CLICS: Worlds's largest database of cross-linguistic lexical associations
Science Daily - 13.01.2020
New CLICS Version contains lexical data on over 3000 languages
Edgy - 15.01.2020

Dogs and wolves are both good at cooperating
Science Daily - 6.01.2020
Wolves possess the same basic cooperation skills as dogs: Study
The Weather Channel - 7.01.2020
Like dogs, wolves too have cooperation skills
Yahoo India News - 7.01.2020
Wolves also have basic cooperation skills like dogs: Study
The Siasat Daily - 9.01.2020