Publikationen von Ricardo Fernandes

Zeitschriftenartikel (59)

Tang, L.; Wilkin, S.; Richter, K. K.; Bleasdale, M.; Fernandes, R.; He, Y.; Li, S.; Petraglia, M.; Scott, A.; Teoh, F. K. Y. et al.; Tong, Y.; Tsering, T.; Tsho, Y.; Xi, L.; Yang, F.; Yuan, H.; Chen, Z.; Roberts, P.; He, W.; Spengler III, R. N.; Lu, H.; Wangdue, S.; Boivin, N.: Paleoproteomic evidence reveals dairying supported prehistoric occupation of the highland Tibetan Plateau. Science Advances 9 (15), eadf0345 (2023)
Ventresca Miller, A. R.; Wilkin, S.; Bayarsaikhan, J.; Ramsøe, A.; Clark, J.; Byambadorj, B.; Vanderwarf, S.; Vanwezer, N.; Haruda, A.; Fernandes, R. et al.; Miller, B.; Boivin, N.: Permafrost preservation reveals proteomic evidence for yak milk consumption in the 13th century. Communications Biology 6 (1), 351 (2023)
Cocozza, C.; Teegen, W.-R.; Vigliarolo, I.; Favia, P.; Giuliani, R.; Muntoni, I. M.; Oione, D.; Clemens, L.; Groß, M.; Roberts, P. et al.; Lubritto, C.; Fernandes, R.: A Bayesian multi-proxy contribution to the socioeconomic, political, and cultural history of late medieval Capitanata (southern Italy). Scientific Reports 13 (1), 4078 (2023)
Schmidtova, D.; C. King, A.; Klontza Jaklova, V.; Reese, D. S.; Rizzetto, M.; Fernandes, R.: Presenting the RomAniDat data community and an archaeofaunal dataset for Roman Italy. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 47, 103764, S. 1 - 11 (2023)
Farese, M.; Formichella, G.; Soncin, S.; Fernandes, R.; Tafuri, M. A.: Stable isotope reconstruction of the "Mediterranean" diet throughout the millennia. Bulletins et mémoires de la Société d’Anthropologie de Paris 35 (S), 10452, S. 1 - 2 (2023)
Tang, L.; Wilkin, S.; Richter, K. K.; Bleasdale, M.; Fernandes, R.; He, Y.; Li, S.; Petraglia, M.; Scott, A.; Teoh, F. K. Y. et al.; Tong, Y.; Tsering, T.; Tsho, Y.; Xi, L.; Yang, F.; Yuan, H.; Chen, Z.; Roberts, P.; He, W.; Spengler III, R. N.; Lu, H.; Wangdue, S.; Boivin, N.: Paleoproteomic evidence reveals dairying supported prehistoric occupation of the highland Tibetan Plateau. Science Advances 9 (15), eadf0345 (2023)
Pérez-Ramallo, P.; Grandal-d´Anglade, A.; Organista, E.; Santos, E.; Chivall, D.; Rodríguez-Varela, R.; Götherström, A.; Etxeberria, F.; Ilgner, J.; Fernandes, R. et al.; Arsuaga, J. L.; Le Roux, P.; Higham, T.; Beaumont, J.; Koon, H.; Roberts, P.: Multi-isotopic study of the earliest mediaeval inhabitants of Santiago de Compostela (Galicia, Spain). Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences 14 (11), 214, S. 1 - 28 (2022)
Larsen, T.; Fernandes, R.; Wang, Y.; Roberts, P.: Reconstructing hominin diets with stable isotope analysis of amino acids: new perspectives and future directions. Bioscience 72 (7), biac028, S. 618 - 637 (2022)
Cocozza, C.; Cirelli, E.; Groß, M.; Teegen, W.-R.; Fernandes, R.: Presenting the Compendium Isotoporum Medii Aevi, a multi-isotope database for Medieval Europe. Scientific Data 9 (1), 354 (2022)
Goldstein, S. T.; Farr, J.; Kayuni, M.; Katongo, M.; Fernandes, R.; Janzen, A.; Markham, B.; Kay, A.; Crowther, A.; Boivin, N.: Excavations at the Iron Age village site of Fibobe II, Central Zambia. Journal of African archaeology 20 (1), bja10012, S. 21 - 39 (2022)
García-Escárzaga, A.; Gutiérrez-Zugasti, I.; Marín-Arroyo, A. B.; Fernandes, R.; Núñez de la Fuente, S.; Cuenca-Solana, D.; Iriarte, E.; Simões, C.; Martín-Chivelet, J.; González-Morales, M. R. et al.; Roberts, P.: Human forager response to abrupt climate change at 8.2 ka on the Atlantic coast of Europe. Scientific Reports 12 (1), 6481 (2022)
Peyroteo-Stjerna, R.; Simões, L. G.; Fernandes, R.; Lopes, G.; Günther, T.; Jakobsson, M.: Multidisciplinary investigation reveals an individual of West African origin buried in a Portuguese Mesolithic shell midden four centuries ago. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 42, 103370, S. 1 - 9 (2022)
Izdebski, A.; Bloomfield, K.; Eastwood, W.; Fernandes, R.; Fleitmann, D.; Guzowski, P.; Haldon, J.; Ludlow, F.; Luterbacher, J.; Manning, J. G. et al.; Masi, A.; Mordechai, L.; Newfield, T. P.; Stine, A. R.; Şenkul, Ç.; Xoplaki, E.: L’émergence d’une histoire environnementale interdisciplinaire: une approche conjointe de l’Holocène tardif. Annales: histoire, sciences sociales 77 (1), 114, S. 11 - 58 (2022)
Izdebski, A.; Guzowski, P.; Poniat, R.; Masci, L.; Palli, J.; Vignola, C.; Bauch, M.; Cocozza, C.; Fernandes, R.; Ljungqvist, F. C. et al.; Newfield, T.; Seim, A.; Abel-Schaad, D.; Alba-Sánchez, F.; Björkman, L.; Brauer, A.; Brown, A.; Czerwiński, S.; Ejarque, A.; Fiłoc, M.; Florenzano, A.; Fredh, E. D.; Fyfe, R.; Jasiunas, N.; Kołaczek, P.; Kouli, K.; Kozáková, R.; Kupryjanowicz, M.; Lagerås, P.; Lamentowicz, M.; Lindbladh, M.; López-Sáez, J. A.; Luelmo-Lautenschlaeger, M.; Marcisz, K.; Mazier, F.; Mensing, S.; Mercuri, A. M.; Milecka, K.; Miras, Y.; Noryśkiewicz, A. M.; Novenko, E.; Obremska, M.; Panajiotidis, S.; Papadopoulou, M. L.; Pędziszewska, A.; Pérez-Díaz, S.; Piovesan, G.; Pluskowski, A.; Pokorny, P.; Poska, A.; Reitalu, T.; Rösch, M.; Sadori, L.; Ferreira, C. S.; Sebag, D.; Słowiński, M.; Stančikaitė, M.; Stivrins, N.; Tunno, I.; Veski, S.; Wacnik, A.; Masi, A.: Palaeoecological data indicates land-use changes across Europe linked to spatial heterogeneity in mortality during the Black Death pandemic. Nature Ecology & Evolution 6, s41559-021-01652-4 (2022)
García-Escárzaga, A.; Gutiérrez-Zugasti, I.; Cuenca-Solana, D.; González-Morales, M. R.; Hamann, C.; Roberts, P.; Fernandes, R.: Bayesian estimates of marine radiocarbon reservoir effect in northern Iberia during the Early and Middle Holocene. Quaternary Geochronology 67, 101232 (2022)
Jarosz, A.; Robbeets, M.; Fernandes, R.; Takamiya, H.; Shinzato, A.; Nakamura, N.; Shinoto, M.; Hudson, M.: Demography, trade and state power: a tripartite model of medieval farming/language dispersals in the Ryukyu Islands. Evolutionary Human Sciences 4, e4, S. 1 - 22 (2022)
Robbeets, M.; Bouckaert, R.; Conte, M.; Savelyev, A.; Li, T.; An, D.-I.; Shinoda, K.-i.; Cui, Y.; Kawashima, T.; Kim, G. et al.; Uchiyama, J.; Dolinska, J.; Oskolskaya, S.; Yamano, K.-Y.; Seguchi, N.; Tomita, H.; Takamiya, H.; Kanzawa-Kiriyama, H.; Oota, H.; Ishida, H.; Kimura, R.; Sato, T.; Kim, J.-H.; Bjorn, R.; Deng, B.; Rhee, S.; Ahn, K.-D.; Gruntov, I.; Mazo, O.; Bentley, J.; Fernandes, R.; Roberts, P.; Bausch, I.; Gilaizeau, L.; Yoneda, M.; Kugai, M.; Bianco, R. A.; Zhang, F.; Himmel, M.; Hudson, M.; Ning, C.: Triangulation supports agricultural spread of the Transeurasian languages. Nature 599 (7886), s41586-021-04108-8, S. 616 - 621 (2021)
Wilkin, S.; Ventresca Miller, A.; Fernandes, R.; Spengler, R.; Taylor, W. T. T.; Brown, D. R.; Reich, D.; Kennett, D. J.; Culleton, B. J.; Kunz, L. et al.; Fortes, C.; Kitova, A.; Kuznetsov, P.; Epimakhov, A.; Zaibert, V. F.; Outram, A. K.; Kitov, E.; Khokhlov, A.; Anthony, D.; Boivin, N.: Dairying enabled Early Bronze Age Yamnaya steppe expansions. Nature 598 (7882), s41586-021-03798-4, S. 629 - 633 (2021)
Sołtysiak, A.; Fernandes, R.: Much ado about nothing: assessing the impact of the 4.2 kya event on human subsistence patterns in northern Mesopotamia using stable isotope analysis. Antiquity 383 (95), 117, S. 1145 - 1160 (2021)
Soncin, S.; Talbot, H. M.; Fernandes, R.; Harris, A.; von Tersch, M.; Robson, H. K.; Bakker, J. K.; Richter, K. K.; Alexander, M.; Ellis, S. et al.; Thompson, G.; Amoretti, V.; Osanna, M.; Caso, M.; Sirano, F.; Fattore, L.; Colonese, A. C.; Garnsey, P.; Bondioli, L.; Craig, O. E.: High-resolution dietary reconstruction of victims of the 79 CE Vesuvius eruption at Herculaneum by compound-specific isotope analysis. Science Advances 7 (35), eabg5791 (2021)
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