Publikationen von Ricardo Fernandes
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Zeitschriftenartikel (59)
36, 107141 (2021)
Tooth formation age dataset for early childhood bioarchaeological and medical studies. Data in Brief 42.
37, 102890, S. 1 - 10 (2021)
Temporal and spatial variability of bone collagen stable carbon and nitrogen isotopic ratios of Norwegian reindeer. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 43.
“Invisible Burials” and fragmentation practices in Iron Age Europe: excavations at the Monte Bernorio Necropolis (Northern Spain). Journal of Field Archaeology, 1924435 (2021)
31 (3), oa.2962, S. 429 - 439 (2021)
Investigating infant feeding strategies at Roman Bainesse through Bayesian modelling of incremental dentine isotopic data. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 45.
9, 583301 (2021)
The circulation of ancient animal resources across the Yellow River Basin: a preliminary Bayesian Re-evaluation of Sr Isotope Data from the Early Neolithic to the Western Zhou Dynasty. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 46.
26, 8657487, S. 69 - 92 (2021)
La necrópolis del oppidum de Monte Bernorio como espacio funerio y ritualun balance de las excavaciones de 2007-2016. Sautuola: Revista del Instituto de Prehistoria y Arqueología Sautuola 47.
10 (1), 16560, S. 1 - 11 (2020)
Stable isotope evidence for dietary diversification in the pre-Columbian Amazon. Scientific Reports 48.
33, 102513, S. 1 - 3 (2020)
Ancient Mediterranean isotopic studies. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 49.
11, 2036 (2020)
Latitudinal gradient in dairy production with the introduction of farming in Atlantic Europe. Nature Communications 50.
10 (1), 3916 (2020)
Economic diversification supported the growth of Mongolia’s Nomadic Empires. Scientific Reports 51.
365 (6456), S. 897 - 902 (2019)
Archaeological assessment reveals Earth’s early transformation through land use. Science 52.
11 (5), S. 1995 - 2005 (2019)
Reporting atmospheric CO2 pressure corrected results of stable carbon isotope analyses of cereals remains from the archaeological site of Peñalosa (SE Iberian Peninsula): agricultural and social implications. Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences 53.
9, 4064 (2018)
Ancient proteins from ceramic vessels at Çatalhöyük West reveal the hidden cuisine of early farmers. Nature Communications 54.
Sampling and pretreatment of tooth enamel carbonate for stable carbon and oxygen isotope analysis. Journal of Visualized Experiments (138), e58002 (2018)
19, S. 1050 - 1055 (2018)
IsoArcH. eu: An open-access and collaborative isotope database for bioarchaeological samples from the Graeco-Roman world and its margins. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 56.
32 (3), S. 251 - 261 (2018)
Effectiveness of different pre-treatments in recovering pre-burial isotopic ratios of charred plants. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry 57.
117, S. 31 - 42 (2018)
Reconstruction of prehistoric pottery use from fatty acid carbon isotope signatures using Bayesian inference. Organic Geochemistry 58.
32 (5), S. 361 - 372 (2018)
Calling all archaeologists: guidelines for terminology, methodology, data handling, and reporting when undertaking and reviewing stable isotope applications in archaeology. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry 59.
XXXVI, S. 105 - 128 (2017)
El fenómeno funerario en la Edad del Hierro del Cantábrico: Un nuevo espacio ritual en la necrópolis de Monte Bernorio (campañas de excavación de 2007 y 2008). Lucentum Forschungspapier (2)
Amalthea: a database of isotopic measurements on archaeological and forensic tooth dentine increments. Journal of open archaeology data 9, 75 (2021), 7 S.