Publikationen von Alessia Masi

Zeitschriftenartikel (10)

Masci, L.; Liakopoulos, G.; Gromig, R.; Kolovos, E.; Kouli, K.; Moros, M.; Sadori, L.; Sarantis, A.; Slavin, P.; Sypiański, J. et al.; Vidras, G.; Vignola, C.; Wagner, B.; Izdebski, A.; Masi, A.: Consilience in practice: social–ecological dynamics of the Lake Volvi region (Greece) during the last two millennia. Journal of Quaternary Science, 3645 (2024)
Jordan, P.; Monaco, L.; Bini, M.; Cosma, E.; Giaccio, B.; Izdebski, A.; Masi, A.; Mensing, S.; Piovesan, G.; Rossi, V. et al.; Sadori, L.; Wagner, B.; Zanchetta, G.: The recent evolution of the salt marsh ‘Pantano Grande’ (NE Sicily, Italy): interplay between natural and human activity over the last 3700 years. Quaternary Sciences 39 (2), 3583, S. 327 - 339 (2024)
Masi, A.; Vignola, C.; Lazzara, A.; Moricca, C.; Serlorenzi, M.; Ferrandes, A. F.: The first extensive study of an Imperial Roman Garden in the city of Rome: the Horti Lamiani. Vegetation History and Archaeobotany 33 (1), s00334-023-00960-y, S. 111 - 120 (2024)
Susini, D.; Vignola, C.; Goffredo, R.; Totten, D. M.; Masi, A.; Smedile, A.; Martini, D.; Marco, P.; Cinti, F. R.; Sadori, L. et al.; Forti, L.; Fiorentino, G.; Sposato, A.; Mazzini, I.: Holocene palaeoenvironmental and human settlement evolution in the southern margin of the Salpi lagoon, Tavoliere coastal plain (Apulia, Southern Italy). Quaternary International 655, 012, S. 37 - 54 (2023)
Masci, L.; Vignola, C.; Liakopoulos, G.; Kouli, K.; Koukousioura, O.; Aidona, E.; Moros, M.; Vouvalidis, K.; Izdebski, A.; Masi, A.: Landscape response to dynamic human pressure in the Paliouras Lagoon, Halkidiki Peninsula, Macedonia, Greece. Quaternary 5 (4), 54, S. 1 - 24 (2022)
Izdebski, A.; Bauch, M.; Guzowski, P.; Mensing, S.; Mercuri, A. M.; Newfield, T.; Piovesan, G.; Sadori, L.; Vignola, C.; Masi, A.: Reply to ‘Reduction in grain pollen indicates population decline, but not necessarily Black Death mortality’. Nature Ecology & Evolution, s41559-022-01863-3 (2022)
Vignola, C.; Hättestrand, M.; Bonnier, A.; Finné, M.; Izdebski, A.; Katrantsiotis, C.; Kouli, K.; Liakopoulos, G.; Norström, E.; Papadaki, M. et al.; Strandberg, N. A.; Weiberg, E.; Masi, A.: Mid-late Holocene vegetation history of the Argive Plain (Peloponnese, Greece) as inferred from a pollen record from ancient Lake Lerna. PLoS One 17 (7), 0271548 (2022)
Izdebski, A.; Bloomfield, K.; Eastwood, W.; Fernandes, R.; Fleitmann, D.; Guzowski, P.; Haldon, J.; Ludlow, F.; Luterbacher, J.; Manning, J. G. et al.; Masi, A.; Mordechai, L.; Newfield, T. P.; Stine, A. R.; Şenkul, Ç.; Xoplaki, E.: L’émergence d’une histoire environnementale interdisciplinaire: une approche conjointe de l’Holocène tardif. Annales: histoire, sciences sociales 77 (1), 114, S. 11 - 58 (2022)
Izdebski, A.; Guzowski, P.; Poniat, R.; Masci, L.; Palli, J.; Vignola, C.; Bauch, M.; Cocozza, C.; Fernandes, R.; Ljungqvist, F. C. et al.; Newfield, T.; Seim, A.; Abel-Schaad, D.; Alba-Sánchez, F.; Björkman, L.; Brauer, A.; Brown, A.; Czerwiński, S.; Ejarque, A.; Fiłoc, M.; Florenzano, A.; Fredh, E. D.; Fyfe, R.; Jasiunas, N.; Kołaczek, P.; Kouli, K.; Kozáková, R.; Kupryjanowicz, M.; Lagerås, P.; Lamentowicz, M.; Lindbladh, M.; López-Sáez, J. A.; Luelmo-Lautenschlaeger, M.; Marcisz, K.; Mazier, F.; Mensing, S.; Mercuri, A. M.; Milecka, K.; Miras, Y.; Noryśkiewicz, A. M.; Novenko, E.; Obremska, M.; Panajiotidis, S.; Papadopoulou, M. L.; Pędziszewska, A.; Pérez-Díaz, S.; Piovesan, G.; Pluskowski, A.; Pokorny, P.; Poska, A.; Reitalu, T.; Rösch, M.; Sadori, L.; Ferreira, C. S.; Sebag, D.; Słowiński, M.; Stančikaitė, M.; Stivrins, N.; Tunno, I.; Veski, S.; Wacnik, A.; Masi, A.: Palaeoecological data indicates land-use changes across Europe linked to spatial heterogeneity in mortality during the Black Death pandemic. Nature Ecology & Evolution 6, s41559-021-01652-4 (2022)
Ermolli, E. R.; Masi, A.; Vignola, C.; Di Lorenzo, H.; Masci, L.; Bona, F.; Forti, L.; Lembo, G.; Mazzini, I.; Mecozzi, B. et al.; Muttillo, B.; Pieruccini, P.; Sardella, R.; Sadori, L.: The pollen record from Grotta Romanelli (Apulia, Italy): new insight for the Late Pleistocene Mediterranean vegetation and plant use. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 297, 104577, S. 1 - 16 (2022)
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