Publikationen von Gopesh Jha

Zeitschriftenartikel (6)

Jha, G.; Sinha, D. K.; Jha, D.; Ajithprasad, P.: Coasting into India?: Assessing lithostratigraphic context of Middle Palaeolithic occupation in Saurashtra Peninsula. Quaternary environments and humans 2 (6), 100034, S. 1 - 16 (2024)
Zuccarelli Freire, V.; Ziegler, M.; Caetano Andrade, V.; Iminjili, V.; Lellau, R.; Stokes, F. J.; Rudd, R.; Heberle Viegas, D.; Maezumi, S. Y.; Jha, G. et al.; Antonosyan, M.; Jha, D.; Winkelmann, R.; Roberts, P.; Furquim, L.: Addressing the Anthropocene from the Global South: integrating paleoecology, archaeology and traditional knowledge for COP engagement. Frontiers in Earth Science 12, 1470577 (2024)
Anil, D.; Devi, M.; Jha, G.; Khan, Z.; Mahesh, V.; Ajithprasad, P.; Chauhan, N.: Deep-rooted Indian Middle Palaeolithic: Terminal Middle Pleistocene lithic assemblage from Retlapalle, Andhra Pradesh, India. PLOS ONE 19 (8), e0302580 (2024)
Paladugu, R.; Celant, A.; Jha, G.; Di Rita, F.; de Sousa, E.; Arruda, A. M.; Maurer, A.-F.; Magri, D.; Barrocas Dias, C.: Insights into agricultural practices at the Phoenician site of Castro Marim between 7th-5th century BCE. Frontiers in Environmental Archaeology 3, 1461150 (2024)
Anil, D.; Devi, M.; Ati, N.; C. P, M.; Khan, Z.; Mahesh, V.; Ajithprasad, P.; Chauhan, N.; Pandey, A.; Jha, G.: Diversity of MIS 3 Levallois technology from Motravulapadu, Andhra Pradesh, India‐implications of MIS 3 cultural diversity in South Asia. Frontiers in Earth Science 11, 1302419 (2023)
Jha, G.; Kothari, V.; Vyas, V.; Ajithprasad, P.: Assessing systematic blade production in the Indian subcontinent with special reference to Eastern Gujarat. Quaternary 6 (2), 25 (2023)

Review Article (1)

Review Article
Roberts, P.; Caetano Andrade, V. L.; Fisher, M.; Hamilton, R.; Rudd, R.; Stokes, F. J.; Amano, N.; Antonosyan, M.; Dugmore, A.; Findley, D. M. et al.; Zuccarelli Freire, V.; Pereira Furquim, L.; Fletcher, M.-S.; Hambrecht, G.; Heddell Stevens, P.; Iminjili, V.; Jha, D.; Jha, G.; Kinyanjui, R.; Maezumi, S. Y.; Morrison, K. D.; Renn, J.; Stevenson, J.; Winkelmann, R.; Ziegler, M.; Scarborough, V. L.; White, S.; Degroot, D.; Green, A. S.; Isendahl, C.: Uncovering the multibiome environmental and Earth system legacies of past human societies. Annual review of environment and resources 49, 12321-101257, S. 21 - 50 (2024)
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