Medienberichte 2022 (Auswahl)
Zur Pressemitteilung/ To press release:
Smells like Ancient Society: Scientists Find Ways to Study and Reconstruct Past Scents/ Wie roch die Vergangenheit? Forschende finden neue Wege, um historische Geruchswelten zu rekonstruieren
Enge Freunde haben einen ähnlichen Geruch: Neue Erkenntnisse aus der Forschung
Berliner Zeitung, 27.07.2022
Wie die Wissenschaft Tausende Jahre alte Gerüche wieder zum Leben erweckt
Kieler Nachrichten, 19.06.2022
Ancient ‘smellscapes’ are wafting out of artifacts and old texts
ScienceNews, 4.05.2022
The foul and the fragrant: what did the past smell like?
Big Think, 8.04.2022
Scientists find ways to study and reconstruct past scents
Phys.Org – 28.03.2022

Enge Freunde haben einen ähnlichen Geruch: Neue Erkenntnisse aus der Forschung
Berliner Zeitung, 27.07.2022
Wie die Wissenschaft Tausende Jahre alte Gerüche wieder zum Leben erweckt
Kieler Nachrichten, 19.06.2022
Ancient ‘smellscapes’ are wafting out of artifacts and old texts
ScienceNews, 4.05.2022
The foul and the fragrant: what did the past smell like?
Big Think, 8.04.2022
Scientists find ways to study and reconstruct past scents
Phys.Org – 28.03.2022
Zur Pressemitteilung/ To press release:
Archaeologists Discover Innovative 40,000-Year-Old Culture in China/ Neuartige, innovative 40.000 Jahre alte Kultur in China entdeckt
Researchers Discover Oldest-Known Ochre Workshop in East Asia
Smithsonian, 23.03.2022
This is one of the oldest art workshops ever discovered!
YouTube, PBS Eons
Las grandes innovaciones de los primeros humanos que colonizaron Asia hace 40.000 años
La Vanguardia, 8.03.2022
‘A new culture’: discovery in China reveals ochre processing in east Asia up to 41,000 years ago
The Guardian, 2.03.2022
Homo sapiens erreichte Ostasien mehrfach
Die Welt, 2.03.2022

Researchers Discover Oldest-Known Ochre Workshop in East Asia
Smithsonian, 23.03.2022
This is one of the oldest art workshops ever discovered!
YouTube, PBS Eons
Las grandes innovaciones de los primeros humanos que colonizaron Asia hace 40.000 años
La Vanguardia, 8.03.2022
‘A new culture’: discovery in China reveals ochre processing in east Asia up to 41,000 years ago
The Guardian, 2.03.2022
Homo sapiens erreichte Ostasien mehrfach
Die Welt, 2.03.2022
Zur Pressemitteilung/ To press release:
Black Death Mortality not as Widespread as Long Thought/ Der Schwarze Tod war weniger tödlich als bislang gedacht
The Black Death Wasn’t as Deadly as Previously Thought, Research Suggests
Smithsonian, 28.02.2022
Black Death’ may not have killed half of Europe as previously believed, study finds
The Independent, 22.02.2022
Black Death mortality not as big as previously thought, research shows
Science in Poland – Ministry of Education & Science, 21.02.2022
Scientists determined that the death rate from the plague was not as great as it was thought
Polish News, 20.02.2022
Vermutlich hatte die Pest weniger Opfer als gedacht
Der Bund (Schweiz), 19.02.2022
Der Schwarze Tod besuchte nicht jeden überall, 19.02.2022
Massensterben im Mittelalter: Wurde die Pest in Europa überbewertet?
National Geographic, 18.02.2022
Der Schwarze Tod wütete nicht überall gleich verheerend
Der Standard, 12.02.2022
Black Death Plague Was True Horror – but Not Everywhere, Says New Study
Haaretz, 10.02.2022
Black Death did not impact all regions equally: Bubonic plague had little effect in Ireland and Iberia – but wiped out huge numbers in Scandinavia, France and Greece, study claims
Mail Online – Science & Tech, 10.02.2022
Black Death mortality not as widespread as long thought
Science Daily, 10.02.2022
Black Death Mortality Not As Widespread as Long Thought – Bubonic Plague Had No Impact on Parts of Europe
SciTech Daily, 10.02.2022
The Black Death was not as widespread or catastrophic as long thought – new study
The Conversation, 10.02.2022
Did the ‘Black Death’ Really Kill Half of Europe? New Research Says No
The New York Times, 10.02.2022
Black Death mortality less widespread than thought
University of Reading, 10.02.2022

The Black Death Wasn’t as Deadly as Previously Thought, Research Suggests
Smithsonian, 28.02.2022
Black Death’ may not have killed half of Europe as previously believed, study finds
The Independent, 22.02.2022
Black Death mortality not as big as previously thought, research shows
Science in Poland – Ministry of Education & Science, 21.02.2022
Scientists determined that the death rate from the plague was not as great as it was thought
Polish News, 20.02.2022
Vermutlich hatte die Pest weniger Opfer als gedacht
Der Bund (Schweiz), 19.02.2022
Der Schwarze Tod besuchte nicht jeden überall, 19.02.2022
Massensterben im Mittelalter: Wurde die Pest in Europa überbewertet?
National Geographic, 18.02.2022
Der Schwarze Tod wütete nicht überall gleich verheerend
Der Standard, 12.02.2022
Black Death Plague Was True Horror – but Not Everywhere, Says New Study
Haaretz, 10.02.2022
Black Death did not impact all regions equally: Bubonic plague had little effect in Ireland and Iberia – but wiped out huge numbers in Scandinavia, France and Greece, study claims
Mail Online – Science & Tech, 10.02.2022
Black Death mortality not as widespread as long thought
Science Daily, 10.02.2022
Black Death Mortality Not As Widespread as Long Thought – Bubonic Plague Had No Impact on Parts of Europe
SciTech Daily, 10.02.2022
The Black Death was not as widespread or catastrophic as long thought – new study
The Conversation, 10.02.2022
Did the ‘Black Death’ Really Kill Half of Europe? New Research Says No
The New York Times, 10.02.2022
Black Death mortality less widespread than thought
University of Reading, 10.02.2022
Zur Pressemitteilung/ To press release:
Rare African Script Offers Clues to the Evolution of Writing/ Seltene afrikanische Schrift liefert Hinweise auf die Entwicklung von Schriftsystemen
African Script Sheds Light on Evolution of Writing
Discover Magazine, 18.02.2022
Un raro texto africano desvela pistas sobre la evolución de la escritura
La Vanguardia, 17.01.2022
Rare African script offers clues to the evolution of writing
Phys.Org, 10.01.2022

African Script Sheds Light on Evolution of Writing
Discover Magazine, 18.02.2022
Un raro texto africano desvela pistas sobre la evolución de la escritura
La Vanguardia, 17.01.2022
Rare African script offers clues to the evolution of writing
Phys.Org, 10.01.2022