Publikationen von Patrick Roberts

Zeitschriftenartikel (177)

Maezumi, S. Y.; Power, M. J.; Smith, R. J.; McLauchlan, K. K.; Brunelle, A. R.; Carleton, W. C.; Kay, A. U.; Roberts, P.; Mayle, F. E.: Fire-human-climate interactions in the Bolivian Amazon rainforest ecotone from the Last Glacial Maximum to late Holocene. Frontiers in Environmental Archaeology 2, 1208985 (2023)
Ciesielska, J. A.; Stark, R. J.; Obłuski, A.; Boivin, N. L.; Lucas, M.; Le Roux, P.; Roberts, P.: Multi-isotopic investigation of population dynamics and mobility among rural medieval Christian communities at Ghazali, Northern Sudan. Journal of African archaeology 21 (2), 10028, S. 131 - 153 (2023)
Taylor, W. T. T.; Belardi, J. B.; Barberena, R.; Coltrain, J. B.; Marina, F. C.; Borrero, L. A.; Conver, J. L.; Hodgins, G.; Admiraal, M.; Craig, O. E. et al.; Lucquin, A.; Talbot, H. M.; Lundy, J.; Liu, X.; Chauvey, L.; Schiavinato, S.; Seguin-Orlando, A.; Le Roux, P.; Lucas, M.; Orlando, L.; Roberts, P.; Jones, E. L.: Interdisciplinary evidence for early domestic horse exploitation in southern Patagonia. Science Advances 9 (49), eadk5201 (2023)
Ventresca Miller, A. R.; Wilkin, S.; Smithers, R.; Larson, K.; Spengler, R.; Haruda, A.; Kradin, N.; Bazarov, B.; Miyagashev, D.; Odbaatar, T. et al.; Turbat, T.; Zhambaltarova, E.; Konovalov, P.; Bayarsaikhan, J.; Hein, A.; Hommel, P.; Nash, B.; Nayak, A.; Vanwezer, N.; Miller, B. K.; Fernandes, R.; Boivin, N.; Roberts, P.: Adaptability of millets and landscapes: ancient cultivation in North-Central Asia. Agronomy 13 (11), 2848 (2023)
Roberts, P.; Hixon, S.; Hamilton, R. J.; Lucas, M.; Ilgner, J.; Marzo, S.; Hawkins, S.; Luu, S.; Gosden, C.; Spriggs, M. et al.; Summerhayes, G.: Assessing Pleistocene–Holocene climatic and environmental change in insular Near Oceania using stable isotope analysis of archaeological fauna. Journal of Quaternary Science 38 (8), 3555, S. 1267 - 1278 (2023)
Carleton, W. C.; Klassen, S.; Niles-Weed, J.; Evans, D.; Roberts, P.; Groucutt, H. S.: Bayesian regression versus machine learning for rapid age estimation of archaeological features identified with lidar at Angkor. Scientific Reports 13 (1), 17913 (2023)
Wang, X.; Zhang, B.; Sun, Y.; Ingman, T.; Eisenmann, S.; Lucas, M.; Scott, E.; Ilgner, J.; Wu, G.; le Roux, P. et al.; Wu, X.; Zhang, X.; Fan, A.; Roberts, P.; Stockhammer, P. W.: Isotopic and proteomic evidence for communal stability at Pre-Pottery Neolithic Jericho in the Southern Levant. Scientific Reports 13 (1), 16360 (2023)
King, C. L.; Buckley, H. R.; Petchey, P.; Kinaston, R.; Millard, A. R.; Nowell, G.; Roberts, P.; Ilgner, J.; Gröcke, D. R.: Seeking their fortunes on the Otago goldfields, New Zealand: constructing isotopic biographies of colonial goldminers. Journal of Archaeological Science 157, 105836, S. 1 - 12 (2023)
Huber, B.; Hammann, S.; Loeben, C. E.; Jha, D.; Giddings Vassão, D.; Larsen, T.; Spengler III, R. N.; Fuller, D. Q.; Roberts, P.; Devièse, T. et al.; Boivin, N. L.: Biomolecular characterization of 3500-year-old ancient Egyptian mummification balms from the Valley of the Kings. Scientific Reports 13 (1), 12477 (2023)
Spengler III, R. N.; Kienast, F.; Roberts, P.; Boivin, N. L.; Begun, D. R.; Ashastina, K.; Petraglia, M.: Bearing fruit: Miocene Apes and Rosaceous Fruit evolution. Biological theory 18 (2), s13752-022-00413-1, S. 134 - 151 (2023)
Amano, N.; Wedage, O.; Ilgner, J.; Boivin, N.; Petraglia, M.; Roberts, P.: Of forests and grasslands: human, primate, and ungulate palaeoecology in Late Pleistocene-Holocene Sri Lanka. Frontiers in Earth Science 11, 1133281 (2023)
Roberts, P.; Kaplan, J.; Findley, D. M.; Hamilton, R. J.; Caetano Andrade, V. L.; Amano, N.; Kay, A.; Renn, J.; Winkelmann, R.: Mapping our reliance on the tropics can reveal the roots of the Anthropocene. Nature Ecology & Evolution 7, s41559-023-01998-x, S. 632 - 636 (2023)
Patalano, R.; Arthur, C.; Carleton, W. C.; Challis, S.; Dewar, G.; Gayantha, K.; Gleixner, G.; Ilgner, J.; Lucas, M.; Marzo, S. et al.; Mokhachane, R.; Pazan, K.; Spurite, D.; Morley, M. W.; Parker, A.; Mitchell, P.; Stewart, B. A.; Roberts, P.: Ecological stability of Late Pleistocene-to-Holocene Lesotho, southern Africa, facilitated human upland habitation. Communications Earth & Environment 4 (1), 129 (2023)
Iminjili, V.; Stewart, M.; Culley, C.; Hixon, S.; Goldstein, S.; Bleasdale, M.; Sánchez Flores, A. J.; Lucas, M.; Ilgner, J.; Prendergast, M. E. et al.; Crowther, A.; Boivin, N. L.; Roberts, P.: Late Pleistocene to late Holocene palaeoecology and human foraging at Kuumbi Cave, Zanzibar Island. Frontiers in Environmental Archaeology 2, 1080785 (2023)
Tang, L.; Wilkin, S.; Richter, K. K.; Bleasdale, M.; Fernandes, R.; He, Y.; Li, S.; Petraglia, M.; Scott, A.; Teoh, F. K. Y. et al.; Tong, Y.; Tsering, T.; Tsho, Y.; Xi, L.; Yang, F.; Yuan, H.; Chen, Z.; Roberts, P.; He, W.; Spengler III, R. N.; Lu, H.; Wangdue, S.; Boivin, N.: Paleoproteomic evidence reveals dairying supported prehistoric occupation of the highland Tibetan Plateau. Science Advances 9 (15), eadf0345 (2023)
Pérez-Ramallo, P.; Ignacio Lorenzo-Lizalde, J.; Staniewska, A.; Aiestaran, M.; Aguirre, J.; Semas Sesma, J.; Marzo, S.; Lucas, M.; Ilgner, J.; Chivall, D. et al.; Higham, T.; Rodríguez-Varela, R.; Götherström, A.; Etxeberria, F.; Grandal-d'Anglade, A.; Alexander, M.; Roberts, P.: To the field of stars: stable isotope analysis of medieval pilgrims and populations along the Camino de Santiago in Navarre and Aragon, Spain. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 48, 103847, S. 1 - 16 (2023)
Willis, A.; Roberts, P.; Kyaw, M. M.; Win, T. T.; Pradier, B.; King, C.; Ilgner, J.; Lucas, M.; Cook, A.; Piper, P. et al.; Pryce, T.O.: Living in the dry zone: stable isotope insights into palaeodiet in ancient Myanmar. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 48, 103900, S. 1 - 14 (2023)
Cerasoni, J. N.; Hallett, E.; Orijemie, E. A.; Ashastina, K.; Lucas, M.; Farr, L.; Höhn, A.; Kiahtipes, C. A.; Blinkhorn, J.; Roberts, P. et al.; Manica, A.; Scerri, E. M. L.: Human interactions with tropical environments over the last 14,000 years at Iho Eleru, Nigeria. iScience 26 (3), 106153 (2023)
Cocozza, C.; Teegen, W.-R.; Vigliarolo, I.; Favia, P.; Giuliani, R.; Muntoni, I. M.; Oione, D.; Clemens, L.; Groß, M.; Roberts, P. et al.; Lubritto, C.; Fernandes, R.: A Bayesian multi-proxy contribution to the socioeconomic, political, and cultural history of late medieval Capitanata (southern Italy). Scientific Reports 13 (1), 4078 (2023)
Taylor, W. T. T.; Librado, P.; Hunska Tašunke Icu, M.; Shield , C.; Arterberry, J.; Luta Wiƞ, A.; Nujipi, A.; Omniya, T.; Gonzalez, M.; Means, B. et al.; High Crane, S.; Yellow Bull, W. W. (.; Dull Knife, B.; Wiƞ, W.; Tecumseh Collin, C.; Ward, C.; Pasqual, T. A.; Chauvey, L.; Tonasso-Calviere, L.; Schiavinato, S.; Seguin-Orlando, A.; Fages, A.; Khan, N.; Der Sarkissian, C.; Liu, X.; Wagner, S.; Ginondidoy Leonard, B.; Manzano, B. L.; O’Malley, N.; Leonard, J. A.; Bernáldez-Sánchez, E.; Barrey, E.; Charliquart, L.; Robbe, E.; Denoblet, T.; Gregersen, K.; Vershinina, A. O.; Weinstock, J.; Rajić Šikanjić, P.; Mashkour, M.; Shingiray, I.; Aury, J.-M.; Perdereau, A.; Alquraishi, S.; Alfarhan, A. H.; Al-Rasheid, K. A. S.; Trbojević Vukičević, T.; Buric, M.; Sauer, E.; Lucas, M.; Brenner-Coltrain, J.; Bozell, J. R.; Thornhill, C. A.; Monagle, V.; Perri, A.; Newton, C.; Hall, W. E.; Conver, J. L.; Le Roux, P.; Buckser, S. G.; Gabe, C.; Belardi, J. B.; Barrón-Ortiz, C. I.; Hart, I. A.; Ryder, C.; Sponheimer, M.; Shapiro , B.; Southon, J.; Hibbs, J.; Faulkner, C.; Outram, A.; Patterson Rosa, L.; Palermo, K.; Solé, M.; William, A.; McCrory, W.; Lindgren, G.; Brooks, S.; Eché, C.; Donnadieu, C.; Bouchez, O.; Wincker, P.; Hodgins, G.; Trabert, S.; Bethke, B.; Roberts, P.; Jones, E. L.; Collin, Y. R. H.; Orlando, L.: Early dispersal of domestic horses into the Great Plains and northern Rockies. Science 379 (6639), adc9691, S. 1316 - 1323 (2023)
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