Publikationen von Patrick Roberts
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Zeitschriftenartikel (177)
Stable isotope variation in East and Southeast Asian marine ecosystems and its relevance for archaeological analysis. Environmental archaeology: the journal of human palaeoecology, 2352666 (2024)
19 (5), e0302334 (2024)
Diets, stress, and disease in the Etruscan society: isotope analysis and infantile skeletal palaeopathology from Pontecagnano (Campania, southern Italy, 730–580 BCE). PLOS ONE 23.
7 (1), 568 (2024)
Multi-isotope reconstruction of Late Pleistocene large-herbivore biogeography and mobility patterns in Central Europe. Communications Biology 24.
14 (1), 11074 (2024)
Unravelling social status in the first medieval military order of the Iberian Peninsula using isotope analysis. Scientific Reports 25.
16 (5), 76, S. 1 - 16 (2024)
Seasonal exploitation of intertidal resources at El Mazo (N Iberia) reveals optimized human subsistence strategies during the Mesolithic in Atlantic Europe. Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences 26.
16 (5), 64, S. 1 - 17 (2024)
Human-cattle interactions in PPNB and Early / Middle Bronze Age Cyprus: integrating zooarchaeological and stable isotope data. Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences 27.
14, s41558-024-01996-2, S. 436 - 447 (2024)
Interactions between climate change and urbanization will shape the future of biodiversity. Nature Climate Change 28.
14 (1), 9528 (2024)
Increasing obsidian diversity during the Chalcolithic Period at Yeghegis-1 Rockshelter (Armenia) reveals shifts in land use and social networks. Scientific Reports 29.
12, 1352099 (2024)
Initial upper paleolithic in the Zagros Mountains. Frontiers in Earth Science 30.
330, 108559, S. 1 - 22 (2024)
Multiproxy evidence for environmental stability in the lesser caucasus during the late pleistocene. Quaternary Science Reviews 31.
98 (398), 2023.201 , S. 1 - 8 (2024)
Yeghegis-1 rockshelter site: new investigations into the late Chalcolithic of Armenia. Antiquity 32.
66 (2), 2024.39 , S. 306 - 325 (2024)
Insights into growth, ring formation and maximum ages of Brazil nut trees (Bertholletia excelsa) using 14C dating and tree-ring analysis. Radiocarbon 33.
39 (3), 3597, S. 349 - 358 (2024)
Preservation of plant-wax biomarkers in deserts: implications for Quaternary environment and human evolutionary studies. Journal of Quaternary Science 34.
54, 104410, S. 1 - 8 (2024)
Exploring the potential of stable carbon and nitrogen isotope analysis of perennial plants from archaeological sites: a case study of olive pits and grape pips from Early Bronze Age Qedesh in the Galilee. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 35.
14 (1), 4382 (2024)
Biomolecular evidence for changing millet reliance in Late Bronze Age central Germany. Scientific Reports 36.
625 (7995), s41586-023-06900-0, S. 535 - 539 (2024)
The demise of the giant ape Gigantopithecus blacki. Nature 37.
121 (1), e2311280120, S. 1 - 8 (2024)
Forest mosaics, not savanna corridors, dominated in Southeast Asia during the Last Glacial Maximum. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 38.
14, 282 (2024)
Earliest known funerary rites in Wallacea after the last glacial maximum. Scientific Reports 39.
15 (1), 8393 (2024)
Arid, mosaic environments during the Plio-Pleistocene transition and early hominin dispersals in northern Africa. Nature Communications 40.
1 (1), s44284-023-00014-4, S. 30 - 41 (2024)
Using urban pasts to speak to urban presents in the Anthropocene. Nature cities