Book (5)

David, B.; Fletcher, M.-S.; Connor, S.; Pullin, V. R.; Birkett-Rees, J.; Delannoy, J.-J.; Mariani, M.; Romano, A.; Maezumi, S. Y.: Cultural burning. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge (2024), iv, 72 pp.
Hudson, M.: Bronze Age maritime and warrior dynamics in Island East Asia. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge (2022), iv, 76 pp.
Spengler III, R. N.: Fruit from the sands: the Silk Road origins of the foods we eat. University of California Press, Oakland, CA (2019), 374 pp.
Boivin, N. L.; Frachetti, M. D. (Eds.): Globalization in Prehistory: Contact, exchange, and the 'people without history'. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge (2018), 343 pp.
Boivin, N. L.; Crassard, R.; Petraglia, M. D. (Eds.): Human dispersal and species movement: From prehistory to the present. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge (2017), 572 pp.

Book Chapter (53)

Book Chapter
Hixon, S.: Archaeology of Madagascar. In: Oxford research encyclopedia of African history, 013.795 (Ed. Spear, T.). Oxford University Press, New York ; Oxford (2024)
Book Chapter
Fisher, M. T.: Stability of cultural information in unstable environments: data management for digital preservation of immovable cultural heritage against natural hazards. In: Managing disaster risks to cultural heritage: from risk preparedness to recovery for immovable heritage, 3 (Eds. Rouhani, B.; Ramao, X.). Routledge, London (2023)
Book Chapter
Stewart, M.; Amano, N.: Late Pleistocene of South and Southwest Asia. In: Earth Systems and Environmental Sciences, 00117-3. Elsevier (2023)
Book Chapter
Bjorn, R.: By steppe highway or mountain corridors?: exploring the Archaeolinguistic arguments for the provenance of western Eurasian crops and livestock in Central and East Asia. In: Agropastoralism and languages across Eurasia: expansion, exchange, environment, Chapter 8, pp. 85 - 95 (Eds. Hudson, M.; Robbeets, M.). BAR Publishing, Oxford (2023)
Book Chapter
Blinkhorn, J.; Niang, K.; Groucutt, H. S.; Scerri, E. M. L.: Ndiayène Pendao and the Lower Senegal Valley, Senegal. In: Handbook of Pleistocene Archaeology of Africa: Hominin behavior, geography, and chronology, 59, pp. 929 - 939 (Eds. Beyin, A.; Wright, D. K.; Wilkins, J.; Olszewski, D. I.). Springer, Cham (2023)
Book Chapter
Deng, B.: Ancient agriculture borrowings between Sino-Tibetan and Transeurasian Languages. In: Agropastoralism and languages across Eurasia: expansion, exchange, environment, Chapter 5, pp. 41 - 51 (Eds. Hudson, M.; Robbeets, M.). BAR Publishing, Oxford (2023)
Book Chapter
Hudson, M.; Robbeets, M.: Introduction [to Agropastoralism and Languages Across Eurasia]. In: Agropastoralism and languages across Eurasia: expansion, exchange, environment, Chapter 1, pp. 1 - 6 (Eds. Hudson, M.; Robbeets, M.). BAR Publishing, Oxford (2023)
Book Chapter
Knapen, M.: Amuric-Tungusic language contact and the Amuric homeland. In: Agropastoralism and languages across Eurasia: expansion, exchange, environment, Chapter 6, pp. 53 - 69 (Eds. Hudson, M.; Robbeets, M.). BAR Publishing, Oxford (2023)
Book Chapter
Robbeets, M.: Prehistoric interaction between Transeurasian and non-Transeurasian speakers. In: Agropastoralism and languages across Eurasia: expansion, exchange, environment, Chapter 4, pp. 25 - 40 (Eds. Hudson, M.; Robbeets, M.). BAR Publishing, Oxford (2023)
Book Chapter
Shipton, C.; Boivin, N. L.; Petraglia, M.: Panga ya Saidi, Kenya. In: Handbook of Pleistocene Archaeology of Africa: Hominin behavior, geography, and chronology, 42, pp. 665 - 672 (Eds. Beyin, A.; Wright, D. K.; Wilkins, J.; Olszewski, D. I.). Springer, Cham (2023)
Book Chapter
Boivin, N. L.: An archaeology of the Anthropocene: uncovering lost landscapes with Charly French (personal accounts). In: Inspired geoarchaeologies: past landscapes and social change, pp. 37 - 41 (Eds. Sulas, F.; Lewis, H.; Arroyo-Kalin, M.). McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research, Cambridge (2022)
Book Chapter
Cerasetti, B.; Arciero, R.; Billings, T.; Cattani, M.; D'Ippolito, L.; Forni, L.; Luneau, E.; Olson, K. G.; Potenza, A. C.; Rouse, L. M. et al.; Spengler III, R. N.: The rise and decline of the desert cities: The last stages of the BMAC at Togolok 1 (Southern Turkmenistan). In: Cultures in Contact: Central Asia as focus of trade, cultural exchange and knowledge transmission, pp. 89 - 116 (Eds. Baumer, C.; Novák, M.; Rutishauser, S.). Harrassowitz Verlag, Wiesbaden (2022)
Book Chapter
Amano, N.; Ingicco, T.; Moigne, A.-M.; Sémah, A.-M.; Simanjuntak, T.; Sémah, F.: Monkey hunting in Early to Mid-Holocene eastern Java (Indonesia). In: World archaeoprimatology: interconnections of humans and nonhuman primates in the past, 19, pp. 474 - 496 (Eds. Urbani, B.; Youlatos, D.; Antczak, A. T.). Cambridge University Press, Cambridge (2022)
Book Chapter
Ariano, B.; Mattiangeli, V.; McLaughlin, R.; Power, R. K.; Stock, J. T.; Mercieca-Spiteri, B.; Stoddart, S.; Malone, C.; Bradley, D.: aDNA: an investigation of uniparental genetic heritage in Neolithic Malta. In: Temple people: bioarchaeology, resilience and culture in prehistoric Malta, 11, pp. 303 - 310. McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research, Cambridge (2022)
Book Chapter
Kunneriath, M.; Korisettar, R.; Gaillard, C.; Petraglia, M. D.; Chacón, M. G.: Geometric Morphometrics and Handaxe shape at Benkaneri in the Proterozoic Kaladgi Basin, Karnataka, South India. In: Beyond stones and more stones: defining Indian prehistoric archaeology, Vol. 3, pp. 33 - 77 (Ed. Korisettar, R.). The Mythic Society, Bengaluru (2022)
Book Chapter
Mercieca-Spiteri, B.; Power, R. K.; Thompson, J. E.; Parkinson, E. W.; Stock, J. T.; O’Connell, T. C.; Stoddart, S.: New approaches to the bioarchaeology of complex multiple interments. In: Temple people: bioarchaeology, resilience and culture in prehistoric Malta, 2, pp. 27 - 38. McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research, Cambridge (2022)
Book Chapter
Parkinson, E. W.; Stock, J. T.: Physical activity and body size in Temple Period Malta: biomechanical analysis of commingled and fragmentary long bones. In: Temple people: bioarchaeology, resilience and culture in prehistoric Malta, 7, pp. 183 - 193. McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research, Cambridge (2022)
Book Chapter
Power, R. K.; Mercieca-Spiteri, B.; Stock, J. T.; Irish, J. D.: Dental anthropology from the Circle: non-metric traits of the posterior dentition and population relationships in the Neolithic Mediterranean. In: Temple people: bioarchaeology, resilience and culture in prehistoric Malta, 6, pp. 173 - 182. McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research, Cambridge (2022)
Book Chapter
Power, R. K.; Mercieca-Spiteri, B.; Thompson, J. E.; McLaughlin, R.; Carruthers, J.; Buck, L. T.; Saers, J.; Pardey, M.; Stock, J. T.; Magnussen, J.: Dental modification in the Circle: shaping bodies, shaping culture in Neolithic Malta. In: Temple people: bioarchaeology, resilience and culture in prehistoric Malta, 5, pp. 127 - 172. McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research, Cambridge (2022)
Book Chapter
Power, R. K.; Mercieca-Spiteri, B.; Thompson, J. E.; McLaughlin, R.; Carruthers, J.; Vogel, H.; Buck, L. T.; Saers, J.; Pardey, M.; Stock, J. T.: General pathology in the Circle: biocultural insights into population health, trauma and care in Neolithic Malta. In: Temple people: bioarchaeology, resilience and culture in prehistoric Malta, 8, pp. 195 - 286. McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research, Cambridge (2022)
Book Chapter
Patalano, R.; Roberts, P.: Climate Proxies. In: The encyclopedia of ancient history: Asia and Africa, eahaa00609 (Eds. Potts, D. T.; Harkness, E.; Neelis, J.; McIntosh, R.) (2021)
Book Chapter
Barański, M. Z.; Czerniak, L.; García-Suárez, A.; Love, S.; Pawłowska, K.; Tsoraki, C.; Vasić, M.; Bayliss, A.; Doyle, S.; Guerre, L. et al.; Sobott, R.; Stroud, E.; Tarkan, D.; Tibbetts, B.; Wolfhagen, J.: Integrating records of Mellaart and Hodder research projects at Çatalhöyük: the GDN. In: Communities at work: the making of Çatalhöyük, 5, pp. 51 - 70 (Ed. Hodder, I.). Oxbow Books, Oxford (2021)
Book Chapter
Issavi, J.; Bennison-Chapman, L.; Bogaard, A.; Der, L.; Doyle, S.; Suárez, A. G.; Haddow, S. D.; Kabukcu, C.; Pawłowska, K.; Schechter, H. et al.; Tarkan, D.; Tsoraki, C.; Vasić, M.; Veropoulidou, R.; Wolfhagen, J.: The complexity of open spaces at Çatalhöyük. In: Communities at work: the making of Çatalhöyük, 9, pp. 115 - 146 (Ed. Hodder, I.). Oxbow Books, Oxford (2021)
Book Chapter
Lingle, A. M.; Seifert, J.; Barański, M. Z.; Betz, B.; Busacca, G.; Haddow, S.; Issavi, J.; Tung, B.; Vasić, M.; Wolfhagen, J.: Integrating conservation in practice at Çatalhöyük, an inter-team perspective. In: Communities at work: the making of Çatalhöyük, 6, pp. 71 - 88 (Ed. Hodder, I.). Oxbow Books, Oxford (2021)
Book Chapter
Roberts, P.: Foreword [to Bioarchaeology and Dietary Reconstruction across Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages in Tuscany, Central Italy / Giulia Riccomi]. In: Bioarchaeology and Dietary Reconstruction across Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages in Tuscany, Central Italy, pp. x - xi. Archaeopress, Summerville (2021)
Book Chapter
Wolfhagen, J.; Veropoulidou, R.; Ayala, G.; Filipović, D.; Lancelotti, C.; Madella, M.; Kabukcu, C.; Pawłowska, K.; Santiago-Marrero, C. G.; Wainwright, J.: The seasonality of using wetland and riparian environments at Çatalhöyük. In: Communities at work: the making of Çatalhöyük, 8, pp. 103 - 114 (Ed. Hodder, I.). Oxbow Books, Oxford (2021)
Book Chapter
Brockwell, S.; O’Connor, S.; Fenner, J. N.; McWilliam, A.; Amano, N.; Piper, P. J.; Bulbeck, D.; Litster, M.; Whitau, R.; O’Connor-Veth, J. et al.; Maloney, T.; Cameron, J.; Willan, R. C.; Dickinson, W. R.: Excavations at the site of Vasino, Lautem District, Timor-Leste. In: Forts and fortification in Wallacea: archaeological and ethnohistoric investigations, 53.2020, pp. 67 - 100 (Eds. O'Connor, S.; McWilliam, A.; Brockwell, S.). ANU Press, Acton (2020)
Book Chapter
O’Connor, S.; Bulbeck, D.; Amano, N.; Piper, P. J.; Brockwell, S.; McWilliam, A.; Fenner, J. N.; O’Connor-Veth, J.; Whitau, R.; Maloney, T. et al.; Langley, M. C.; Litster, M.; Lankton, J.; Gratuze, B.; Dickinson, W. R.; Barham, A.; Willan, R. C.: The fortified settlement of Macapainara, Lautem District, Timor‑Leste. In: Forts and fortification in Wallacea: archaeological and ethnohistoric investigations, 53.2020, pp. 13 - 48 (Eds. O'Connor, S.; McWilliam, A.; Brockwell, S.). ANU Press, Acton (2020)
Book Chapter
Bjorn, R.: Nouns and Foreign Numerals: Anatolian ‘Four’ and the Development of the PIE Decimal System. In: Dispersals and diversification: linguistic and archaeological perspectives on the early stages of Indo-European, 2, pp. 54 - 76 (Eds. Serangeli, M.; Olander, T.). Brill, Leiden (2019)
Book Chapter
Hull, J. R.; Piper, P.; Irwin, G.; Szabó, K.; Oertle, A.; Bellwood, P.: Observations on the Northern Moluccan excavated animal bone and shell collections. In: The Spice Islands in prehistory: archaeology in the Northern Moluccas, Indonesia, Vol. 50, 10, pp. 135 - 165 (Ed. Bellwood, P.). ANU Press, Cranberra (2019)
Book Chapter
Szabó, K.: Worked shell from the Northern Moluccas. In: The Spice Islands in prehistory: archaeology in the Northern Moluccas, Indonesia, Vol. 9, pp. 121 - 134 (Ed. Bellwood, P.). ANU Press, Canberra (2019)
Book Chapter
Roberts, P.; Krigbaum, J.; Lee-Thorp, J.: Hunting and gathering in prehistoric rainforests: insights from stable isotope analysis. In: Foraging in the past: archaeological studies of Hunter-Gatherer Diversity, pp. 119 - 158 (Ed. Lemke, A. K.). University Press of Colarado, Louisville (2019)
Book Chapter
Cassino, M. F.; Alves, R. P.; Levis, C.; Watling, J.; Junqueira, A. B.; Shock, M. P.; Ferreira, M. J.; Caetano Andrade, V. L.; Furquim, L. P.; Coelho, S. D. et al.; Tamanaha, E. K.; Neves, E. G.; Clement, C. R.: Ethnobotany and ethnoecology applied to historical ecology. In: Methods and techniques in ethnobiology and ethnoecology, pp. 187 - 208 (Eds. Albuquerque, U. P.; de Lucena, R. F. P.; Cruz da Cunha, L. V. F.; Alves, R. R. N.). Springer New York, New York, NY (2019)
Book Chapter
Cassino, M. F.; Alves, R. P.; Levis, C.; Watling, J.; Junqueira, A. B.; Shock, M. P.; Ferreira, M. J.; Caetano Andrade, V. L.; Furquim, L. P.; Coelho, S. D. et al.; Tamanaha, E. K.; Neves, E. G.; Clement, C. R.: Ethnobotany and ethnoecology applied to historical ecology. In: Methods and techniques in ethnobiology and ethnoecology, 13, pp. 187 - 208 (Eds. Albuquerque, U. P.; Paiva de Lucena, R. F.; Cruz da Cunha, L. V. F.; Nóbrega Alves, R. R.). Humana Press, New York (2019)
Book Chapter
Cerasetti, B.; Arciero, R.; Carra , M.; Curci, A.; Mazzorin, J. D. G.; Forni , L.; Luneau, E.; Rouse, L. M.; Spengler III, R. N.: Bronze and Iron Age urbanization in Turkmenistan: Preliminary results from the excavation of Togolok 1 on the Murghab alluvial fan. In: Urban Cultures of Central Asia from the Bronze Age to the Karakhanids: Learnings and conclusions from new archaeological investigations and discoveries ; Proceedings of the First International Congress on Central Asian Archaeology held at the University of Bern, 4–6 February 2016, pp. 63 - 72 (Eds. Baumer, C.; Novák, M.). Harrassowitz, Wiesbaden (2019)
Book Chapter
Hanot, P.; Tresset, A.: Les restes de grands vertébrés du Néolithique final aux âges du Bronze ancien et moyen. In: Une maison sous les dunes: beg ar loued, Île Molène, Finistère, 29, pp. 567 - 583 (Eds. Pailler, Y.; Nicolas, C.). Sidestone Press, Leiden (2019)
Book Chapter
Petraglia, M. D.; Breeze, P. S.; Groucutt, H. S.: Blue Arabia, green Arabia: Examining human colonisation and dispersal models. In: Geological setting, palaeoenvironment and archaeology of the Red Sea, pp. 675 - 683 (Eds. Rasul, N. M.A.; Stewart, I. C.F.). Springer International Publishing, Cham (2018)
Book Chapter
Roberts, P.; Hendy, J.; Boivin, N. L.: Scientific Practice. In: The Encyclopedia of Archaeological Sciences, pp. 1526 - 1530 (Ed. López Varela, . L.). Wiley, Hoboken (2018)
Book Chapter
Spengler III, R. N.: Paleoethnobotany. In: The Encyclopedia of Archaeological Sciences, pp. 1 - 5 (Ed. López-Varela, S.). Wiley Blackwell, Malden, MA (2018)
Book Chapter
Hoogervorst, T.; Boivin, N. L.: Invisible agents of Eastern trade: Foregrounding Island. Southeast Asian agency in pre-modern globalization. In: Globalization in Prehistory: Contact, exchange, and the 'people without history', pp. 205 - 231 (Eds. Boivin, N. L.; Frachetti, M. D.). Cambridge University Press, Cambridge (2018)
Book Chapter
Boivin, N. L.; Crowther, A.: Early connections. In: The Swahili world, 7, 1st ed. Ed., pp. 105 - 120 (Eds. Wynne-Jones, S.; LaViolette, A.). Routledge, London (2018)
Book Chapter
Boivin, N. L.; Frachetti, M. D.: Archaeology and the ‘people without history’. In: Globalization in Prehistory: contact, exchange, and the 'People Without History', pp. 1 - 15 (Ed. Boivin, N. L.) (2018)
Book Chapter
Boivin, N. L.; Fuller, D. Q.; Korisettar, R.; Nayak, A.; Petraglia, M. D.: The emergence of agriculture and pastoralism in the Northern Maidan region of South Deccan, South India. In: Beyond Stones and More Stones, Vol. 2, pp. 95 - 126 (Ed. Korisettar, R.). The Mythic Society, Bengaluru (2018)
Book Chapter
Clarkson, C.; Petraglia, M. D.; Harris, C.; Shipton, C.; Norman, K.: The south Asian Microlithic: Homo sapiens dispersal or adaptive response? In: Lithic technological organization and paleoenvironmental change, pp. 37 - 61 (Eds. Robinson, E.; Sellet, F.). Springer International Publishing, Basel (2018)
Book Chapter
Frachetti, M. D.; Bullion, E.: Bronze Age participation in a “global” ecumene: mortuary practice and ideology across Inner Asia. In: Globalization in Prehistory: contact, exchange, and the 'People Without History', 1. publ. Ed., pp. 102 - 130 (Eds. Boivin, N. L.; Frachetti, M. D.). Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge (2018)
Book Chapter
Horton, M.; Crowther, A.; Boivin, N. L.: Facing Mecca from Africa: Islam and globalization on the Swahili Coast during the first millennium CE and beyond. In: Connecting continents: archaeology and history in the Indian Ocean World, 3, pp. 68 - 91. Ohio State University Press, Ohio (2018)
Book Chapter
Petraglia, M. D.; Groucutt, H. S.: Out of Africa: The evolution and history of human populations in the southern dispersal zone. In: Rethinking human evolution, pp. 129 - 138 (Ed. Schwartz, J. H.). MIT Press, Cambridge (2018)
Book Chapter
Taylor, W.; Tuvshinjargal , T.: Horseback riding, asymmetry, and anthropogenic changes to the equine skull: evidence for mounted riding in Mongolia’s late Bronze Age. In: Care or neglect?: evidence of animal disease in archaeology ; proceedings of the 6th meeting of the Animal Palaeopathology Working Group of the International Council for Archaeozoology (ICAZ), Budapest, Hungary, 2016, pp. 134 - 154 (Eds. Bartosiewicz , L.; Gál, E.). Oxbow Books, Oxford [u.a.] (2018)
Book Chapter
Boivin, N. L.: Human and human-mediated species dispersals through time: Introduction and overview. In: Human dispersal and species movement: From prehistory to the present, pp. 3 - 26 (Eds. Boivin, N. L.; Crassard, R.; Petraglia, M. D.). Cambridge University Press, Cambridge (2017)
Book Chapter
Boivin, N. L.: Proto-globalisation and biotic exchange in the Old World. In: Human dispersal and species movement: From prehistory to the present, pp. 349 - 408 (Eds. Boivin, N. L.; Crassard, R.; Petraglia, M. D.). Cambridge University Press, Cambridge (2017)
Book Chapter
Horton, M.; Crowther, A.; Boivin, N. L.: Ships of the desert, camels of the ocean. In: Trade in the ancient sahara and beyond, 5, pp. 131 - 155 (Eds. Mattingly, D. J.; Leitch, V.; Duckworth, C. N.; Cuénod, A.; Sterry, M.). Cambridge University Press, Cambridge (2017)
Book Chapter
Petraglia, M. D.: Hominins on the move: An assessment of anthropogenic shaping of environments in the Palaeolithic. In: Human dispersal and species movement: From prehistory to the present, pp. 90 - 118 (Eds. Boivin, N. L.; Crassard, R.; Petraglia, M. D.). Cambridge University Press, Cambridge (2017)
Book Chapter
Hendy, J.: Archaeological Detection. In: Oxford Companion to Cheese, pp. 36 - 37 (Ed. Donnelly, C. W.). Oxford University Press, New York (2016)

Conference Paper (3)

Conference Paper
Spengler III, R. N.; Mutalibjon, K.; Maksudov, F.; Wang, J.; Nasibillo, K.: Evolution of oasis agriculture since the Bronze Age in the Surhan-Darya Basin. In: The history of the Fergana valley in new researches, Vol. 18, 1, pp. 155 - 170. The history of the Fergana valley in new researches. (2021)
Conference Paper
Gayantha, K.; Routh, J.; Anupama, K.; Lazar, J.; Prasad, S.; Chandrajith, R.; Roberts, P.; Gleixner, G.: Biomarker and pollen approach to reconstruct Late Holocene climate and environmental history in western Sri Lnka. In: Conference Proceedings, 29th International Meeting on Organic Geochemistry, Vol. 2019, 152636, pp. 1 - 2. 29th International Meeting on Organic Geochemistry (IMOG), Gothenburg, September 01, 2019 - September 06, 2019. European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers, EAGE, Houten (2019)
Conference Paper
Soncin, S.; Hendy, J.; Speller, C.; Manzi, G.; Tafuri, M. A.: Diet and health in Middle Bronze Age Italy: a metaproteomic analysis of human dental calculus in two case-studies. In: IMEKO International Conference on Metrology for Archaeology and Cultural Heritage, Torino, Italy, 19-21 Oct 2016. The University of York (2016)

Poster (1)

Soncin, S.; Hendy, J.; Speller, C.; Manzi, G.; Tafuri, M. A.: Evidence of milk consumption in Northern and Southern Middle Bronze Age Italy through a metaproteomic analysis of human dental calculus. (2017)

Thesis - PhD (5)

Thesis - PhD
Peters, C.: An investigation into the potential of peptide mass fingerprinting for the study of Australian faunal assemblages. Dissertation, 204 pp., Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, Philosophische Fakultät, Jena (2022)
Thesis - PhD
Brown, S.: Identifying hominin remains in Siberia using peptide mass fingerprinting (ZooMS). Dissertation, 360 pp., University Tübingen, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Tübingen (2021)
Thesis - PhD
Wilkin, S.: An investigation into diet and economy in ancient Mongolia through multiple biomolecular datasets. Dissertation, 78 pp., Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, Fakultät für Biowissenschaften [hosting institution] (2020)
Thesis - PhD
Bleasdale, M.: Archaeological, proteomic and isotopic approaches to investigating dietary change in Holocene Africa. Dissertation, 205 pp., Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Faculty of Biosciences, Jena (2020)
Thesis - PhD
Wedage, O.: New investigations into the Late Pleistocene and Early Holocene rainforest Prehistory of Sri Lanka. Dissertation, 244 pp., Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, Philosophische Fakultät, Jena (2020)

Working Paper (6)

Working Paper
Antunes, A. C.; Montanarin, A.; Gräbin, D. M.; dos Santos Monteiro, E. C.; Ferreira de Pinho, F.; Alvarenga, G. C.; Ahumada, J.; Wallace, R. B.; Ramalho, E. E.; Barnett, A. P. A. et al.; Bager, A.; Lopes, C.; Martins, A.; Keuroghlian, A.; Giroux, A.; Herrera, A. M.; de Correa, A.; Paula, A.; Meiga, A. Y.; de Almeida Jácomo, A. T.; de Barros Barban, A.; Antunes, A.; de Almeida Coelho, A. G.; Camilo, A. R.; Nunes, A. V.; dos Santos Maroclo Gomes, A. C.; da Zanzini, S.; Carlos, A.; Castro, A. B.; Desbiez, A. L. J.; Figueiredo, A.; de Thoisy, B.; Gauzens, B.; Oliveira, B. T.; de Lima, A. C.; Peres, C. A.; Durigan, C. C.; Brocardo, C. R.; da Rosa, A. C.; Zárate-Castañeda, C.; Monteza-Moreno, C. M.; Carnicer, C.; Trinca, C. T.; Polli, D. J.; Ferraz da Silva , D.; Lane, D. F.; Gomes da Rocha, D.; Barcelos, D. C.; Auz, D.; Rosa, D. C. P.; Silva, D. A.; Silvério, D. V.; Eaton, D. P.; Nakano-Oliveira, E.; Venticinque, E.; Carvalho Junior, E.; Mendonça, E. N.; Vieira, E. M.; Isasi-Catalá, E.; Fischer, E.; Castro, E. P.; Oliveira, E. G.; de Melo, F. R.; de Lima Muniz, F.; Rohe, F.; Baccaro, F. B.; Michalski, F.; Paim, F. P.; Santos, F.; Anaguano, F.; Palmeira, F. B. L.; Reis, F. d. S.; Aguiar-Silva, F. H.; de Avila Batista, G.; Zapata-Ríos, G.; Forero-Medina, G.; De Souza Ferreira Neto, G.; Alves, G. B.; Ayala, G.; Pedersoli, G. H. P.; El Bizri, H. R.; Alves do Prado, H.; Mozerle, H. B.; Costa, H. C. M.; Lima, I. J.; Palacios, J.; de Resende Assis, J.; Boubli, J. P.; Metzger, J. P.; Teixeira, J. V.; Miranda, J. M. D.; Polisar, J.; Salvador, J.; Borges-Almeida, K.; Didier, K.; Dayane de Lima Pereira, K.; Torralvo, K.; Gajapersad, K.; Silveira, L.; Maioli, L. U.; Maracahipes-Santos, L.; Valenzuela, L.; Benavalli, L.; Fletcher, L.; Paolucci, L. N.; Zanzini, L. P.; Zago da Silva, L.; Rodrigues, R.; Cláudio, L.; Benchimol, M.; Oliveira, M. A.; Lima, M.; Basto da Silva, M.; Junior, d. S.; Augusto, M.; Viscarra, M.; Cohn-Haft, M.; Abrahams, M. I.; Benedetti, M. A.; Marmontel, M.; Hirt, M. R.; Tôrres, N. M.; Junior, C.; Ferreira, O.; Alvarez-Loayza, P.; Jansen, P.; Prist, P. R.; Brando, P. M.; Bernardes Perônico, P.; do Nascimento Leite, R.; Rabelo, R. M.; Sollmann, R.; Beltrão-Mendes, R.; Ferreira, R. A. F.; Coutinho, R.; Oliveira, R. d. C.; Ilha, R.; Hilário, R. R.; Pires, R. A. P.; Sampaio, R.; da Silva Moreira, R.; Botero-Arias, R.; Vasquez Martinez, R.; de Albuquerque Nóbrega, R. A.; Fadini, R. F.; Morato, R. G.; Carneiro, R. L.; Almeida, R. P. S.; Ramos, R. M.; Schaub, R.; Dornas, R.; Cueva, R.; Rolim, S.; Laurindo, S.; Espinosa, S.; Fernandes, T. N.; Sanaiotti, T. M.; Gomide Alvim, T. H.; Dornas, T. T.; Piña, T. E. N.; Caetano Andrade, V. L.; Santiago, W. T. V.; Magnusson, W. E.; Campos, Z.; Ribeiro, M. C.: AMAZONIA CAMTRAP: a dataset of mammal, bird, and reptile species recorded with camera traps in the Amazon forest. Ecology 103 (9), e3738, pp. 1 - 9 (2022), 9 pp.
Working Paper
Cocozza, C.; Fernandes, R.: Amalthea: a database of isotopic measurements on archaeological and forensic tooth dentine increments. Journal of open archaeology data 9, 75 (2021), 7 pp.
Working Paper
Fernandes, R.; Hudson, M.; Takamiya, H.; Bassino, J.-P.; Uchiyama, J.; Robbeets, M.: The ARCHIPELAGO Archaeological Isotope Database for the Japanese Islands. Journal of open archaeology data 9 (3), joad.73 (2021), 10 pp.
Working Paper
García-Escárzaga, A.; Gutiérrez-Zugasti, I.; González-Morales, M. R.; Arrizabalaga, A.; Zech, J.; Roberts, P.: Shell sclerochronology and stable oxygen isotope ratios from the limpet Patella depressa Pennant, 1777: implications for palaeoclimate reconstruction and archaeology in northern Spain. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 560, 110023, pp. 1 - 15 (2020), 15 pp.
Working Paper
Javidpour, J.; Ramirez-Romero, E.; Larsen, T.: The effect of temperature on basal metabolism of Mnemiopsis leidyi. arXiv, 2004.02789 (2020), 6 pp.
Working Paper
Narasimhan, V. M.; Patterson, N. J.; Moorjani, P.; Lazaridis, I.; Mark, L.; Mallick, S.; Rohland, N.; Bernardos, R.; Kim, A. M.; Nakatsuka, N. et al.; Olalde, I.; Coppa, A.; Mallory, J.; Moiseyev, V.; Monge, J.; Olivieri, L. M.; Adamski, N.; Broomandkhoshbacht, N.; Candilio, F.; Cheronet, O.; Culleton, B. J.; Ferry, M.; Fernandes, D.; Gamarra, B.; Gaudio, D.; Hajdinjak, M.; Harney, E.; Harper, T. K.; Keating, D.; Lawson, A.-M.; Michel, M.; Novak, M.; Oppenheimer, J.; Rai, N.; Sirak, K.; Slon, V.; Stewardson, K.; Zhang, Z.; Akhatov, G.; Bagashev, A. N.; Baitanayev, B.; Bonora, G. L.; Chikisheva, T.; Derevianko, A.; Dmitry, E.; Douka, K.; Dubova, N.; Epimakhov, A.; Freilich, S.; Fuller, D.; Goryachev, A.; Gromov, A.; Hanks, B.; Judd, M.; Kazizov, E.; Khokhlov, A.; Kitov, E.; Kupriyanova, E.; Kuznetsov, P.; Luiselli, D.; Maksudov, F.; Meiklejohn, C.; Merrett, D. C.; Micheli, R.; Mochalov, O.; Zahir, M.; Mustafakulov, S.; Nayak, A.; Petrovna, R. M.; Pettner, D.; Potts, R.; Razhev, D.; Sarno, S.; Sikhymbaevae, K.; Slepchenko, S. M.; Stepanova, N.; Svyatko, S.; Vasilyev, S.; Vidale, M.; Voyakin, D.; Yermolayeva, A.; Zubova, A.; Shinde, V. S.; Lalueza-Fox, C.; Meyer, M.; Anthony, D.; Boivin, N. L.; Thangaraj, K.; Kennett, D.; Frachetti, M.; Pinhasi, R.; Reich, D.: The genomic formation of South and Central Asia. bioRxiv, 292581 (2018), 32 pp.

Report (3)

Sadykov, T.; Blochin, J.; Asochakova, E.; Fedorova, D.; Caspari, G.: A new type of Early Iron Age stela from Tuva (Inner Asia) (Archaeological Research in Asia, 38). (2024), 9 pp.
Xu, Y.; Wang, N.; Gao, S.; Li, C.; Ma, P.; Yang, S.; Jiang, H.; Shi, S.; Wu, Y.; Zhang, Q. et al.; Cui, Y.: Solving the two-decades-old murder case through joint application of ZooMS and ancient DNA approaches (International Journal of Legal Medicine, 137). (2023), 9 pp.
Houle, J.-L.; Seitsonen, O.; Égüez, N.; Broderick, L. G.; García-Granero, J. J.; Bayarsaikhan, J.: Resilient herders: a deeply stratified multiperiod habitation site in northwestern Mongolia (Archaeological Research in Asia, 30). (2022), 16 pp.

Other (8)

Boivin, N. L.; Täuber, S.; Keller, U.: Nobel win: spotlight on the attrition of women in science, Nature 623, (2023)
von Baeyer, M.; Tranbarger, T. J.; Spengler III, R. N.: Loss of reproductive organ separation zones as adaptation to Anthropogenic Seed-Dispersal-Based Mutualism, Annual Plant Reviews online 5, pp. 345 - 382 (2022)
Guagnin, M.; Charloux, G.; AlSharekh, a. A. M.: Monumental sandstone reliefs from the Neolithic: new insights from the Camel Site in Saudi Arabia, The ancient near east today: current news about the ancient past (Newsletter) X, (2022)
Blinkhorn, J.; Zanolli, C.; Compton, T.; Groucutt, H. S.; Scerri, E. M. L.; Crete, L.; Stringer, C.; Petraglia, M. D.; Blockley, S.: Reply to: ‘No direct evidence for the presence of Nubian Levallois technology and its association with Neanderthals at Shukbah Cave’, Scientific Reports 12, (2022)
Pinhasi, R.; Douka, K.: Before and after farming: the genetic structure of South China and Southeast Asia, Cell 184, pp. 3597 - 3598 (2021)
Higham, T. F. G.; Douka, K.: The reliability of late radiocarbon dates from the Paleolithic of southern China, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 118, pp. 1 - 2 (2021)
Witcher, R.: Editorial, Antiquity 94, pp. 571 - 579 (2020)
Taylor, W. T. T.: Beyond Genghis Khan: how looting threatens to erase Mongolia's history, The Guardian, (2017)

Book Review (10)

Book Review
Hudson, M.: Reading Medieval Ruins: Urban Life and Destruction in Sixteenth-Century Japan. By Morgan Pitelka. Cambridge University Press, 2022. 250 pages. ISBN: 9781316513064 [Review]. Monumenta Nipponica: studies on Japanese culture, past and present 78 (2), a920400, pp. 230 - 233 (2023)
Book Review
Sawchuk, E. A.: M. C. Gatto, D. J. Mattingly, N. Ray, and M. M. Sterry (Eds.): Burials, Migration, and Identity in the Ancient Sahara and Beyond. African Archaeological Review 37, pp. 319 - 321 (2020)
Book Review
Goldstein, S. T.: Prehistoric stone tools of eastern Africa: a guide by John J. Shea. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2020, 317 pp., $110/£85 (hardback), ISBN 978-1108424431. Also available as an eBook ($88) and online, ISBN 978-1108334969. Azania: Archaeological Research in Africa 55 (4), pp. 544 - 546 (2020)
Book Review
Hanot, P.: Peter Mitchell. The Donkey in Human History: An Archaeological Perspective (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2018, 306 pp., 133 illustr., 32 in colour, 6 tables, hbk, ISBN 978-0-19-874923-3). European Journal of Archaeology 22 (4), pp. 595 - 598 (2019)
Book Review
Spengler III, R. N.: Claudia Chang. Rethinking prehistoric Central Asia: shepherds, farmers, and nomads. 2018. Abingdon & New York: Routledge; 978-1-138-73708-2 £105. Antiquity 92 (363), pp. 827 - 828 (2018)
Book Review
Roberts, P.: Journeys into the rainforest: Archaeology of culture change and continuity on the Evelyn Tableland, North Queensland ; by Åsa Ferrier Australian National University Press, Canberra, 2015 ISBN: 978-1-925-02287-2. Pp. 174. Archaeology in Oceania 52 (3), pp. 198 - 199 (2017)
Book Review
Roberts, P.: Journeys into the rainforest: archaeology of culture change and Continuity on the Evelyn Tableland, North Queensland by Åsa Ferrier Terra Australis 43, Australian National University Press, Canberra, 2015 ISBN: 978-1-925-02287-2. Pp. 174. Archaeology in Oceania 52 (3), pp. 198 - 199 (2017)
Book Review
Blinkhorn, J.: A companion to south Asia in the past. Gwen Robbins Schug, Subhash R. Walimbe. Wiley-Blackwell, Oxford, 2016, 600 pp. ISNB 978-1-119-05548-8. $195 (hardback). American Journal of Physical Anthropology 163, pp. 225 - 226 (2017)
Book Review
Blinkhorn, J.: Zooarchaeology and field ecology: A photographic atlas. Jack M. Broughton and Shawn D. Miller. Salt Lake City: University of Utah Press, 2016, 224 pp. $40.00, paper. ISBN 978-1-60781-485-6. Journal of Anthropological Research 73 (3), pp. 542 - 544 (2017)
Book Review
Blinkhorn, J.: Revitalizing Indian archaeology: Further theoretical essays, 2 vols. K. Paddayya. New Delhi: Aryan Books International, 2016, 842 pp. ₨1,750.00, cloth. ISBN 978-81-7305-558-4. Journal of Anthropological Research 73 (3), pp. 541 - 542 (2017)

Commentary (1)

Sexism in academia is bad for science and a waste of public funding. (2023), 3 pp.

Editorial (2)

Vaiglova, P.; Roberts, P.: Multiple scales of stable isotope palaeoecology (Papers in honour of Prof. Julia Lee-Thorp). Quaternary International 650, 2023.02.010, pp. 1 - 3 (2023)
Pargeter, J.; Groucutt, H. S.: Variable perspectives on “Standardization in the Stone Age”. Lithic Technology 48 (4), 2267386, pp. 327 - 332 (2023)

Data Publication (3)

Data Publication
Groot, M.; Schmidtova, D.; Fernandes, R.: An archaeozoological dataset for 3000 years of animal management in the Netherlands. (2024)
Data Publication
Shen, H.; Spengler III, R. N.; Zhou, X.; Betts, A.; Jia, P. W.; Zhao, K.; Li, X.: Seeing the wood for the trees: active human-environmental interactions in arid northwest China. (2024)
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