
Zeitschriftenartikel (706)

Krikunova, A. I.; Kobe, F.; Long, T.; Leipe, C.; Gliwa, J.; Shchetnikov, A. A.; Olschewski, P.; Hoelzmann, P.; Wagner, M.; Bezrukova, E. V. et al.; Tarasov, P. E.: Vegetation and fire history of the Lake Baikal Region since 32 ka BP reconstructed through microcharcoal and pollen analysis of lake sediment from Cis- and Trans-Baikal. Quaternary Science Reviews 340, 108867, S. 1 - 18 (2024)
Tian, Y.; Koncz, I.; Defant, S.; Giostra, C.; Vyas, D. N.; Sołtysiak, A.; Pejrani Baricco, L.; Fetner, R.; Posth, C.; Brandt, G. et al.; Bedini, E.; Modi, A.; Lari, M.; Vai, S.; Francalacci, P.; Fernandes, R.; Steinhof, A.; Pohl, W.; Caramelli, D.; Krause, J.; Izdebski, A.; Geary, P. J.; Veeramah, K. R.: The role of emerging elites in the formation and development of communities after the fall of the Roman Empire. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 121 (36), e2317868121 (2024)
Anil, D.; Devi, M.; Jha, G.; Khan, Z.; Mahesh, V.; Ajithprasad, P.; Chauhan, N.: Deep-rooted Indian Middle Palaeolithic: Terminal Middle Pleistocene lithic assemblage from Retlapalle, Andhra Pradesh, India. PLOS ONE 19 (8), e0302580 (2024)
Findley, D. M.; Roberts, P.: Cultivating Wheat in the Philippines, ca. 1600–1800 CE: why a Grain Was Not Adopted by Local Populations. International journal of historical archaeology, s10761-024-00753-7 (2024)
Pérez-Ramallo, P.; Rodríguez-Varela, R.; Staniewska, A.; Ilgner, J.; Krzewińska, M.; Chivall, D.; Higham, T.; Götherström, A.; Roberts, P.: Unveiling Bishop Teodomiro of Iria Flavia?: an attempt to identify the discoverer of St James's tomb through osteological and biomolecular analyses (Santiago de Compostela, Galicia, Spain). Antiquity, 91 (2024)
Hixon, S.; Fernandes, R.; Andriamahaihavana, A.; Baden, A. L.; Blanco, M. B.; Caulier, G.; Dammhahn, M.; Eeckhaut, I.; Eppley, T. M.; Frédérich, B. et al.; Ganzhorn, J. U.; Garbaras, A.; Gibson, D.; Goodman, S. M.; Irwin, M.; Kelley, E. A.; Michel, L. N.; Lepoint, G.; Loudon, J. E.; Mittelheiser, L.; Rakotondranary, J.; Rasamisoa, D. C.; Rasolofonirina, R.; Ratovonamana, Y.; Razafindramanana, J.; Reisdorff, C.; Sponheimer, M.; Terrana, L.; Vasey, N.; Crowley, B. E.: Introducing IsoMad, a compilation of isotopic datasets for Madagascar. Scientific Data 11 (1), 857 (2024)
Sekhar Chakraborty, K.; Bestel, S.; Lucas, M.; Roberts, P.; Shirvalkar, P.; Rawat, Y.; Larsen, T.; Miller, H. M.-L.: To waste or not to waste: a multi-proxy analysis of human-waste interaction and rural waste management in Indus Era Gujarat. Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences 16, 141 (2024)
Gur-Arieh, S.; Eisenmann, S.; Henry, A. G.; Lucas, M.; Lenz, D.; Paxinos, P.; Weber, H.; Morandi, L. F.; Stone, J. R.; Schultz, M. et al.; Roberts, P.; Stockhammer, P. W.: Reconstructing dietary practices at Tell Kamid el-Loz (Lebanon) during the Bronze and Iron Age III / Persian to Hellenistic periods using plant micro-remains from dental calculus and stable isotope analysis of bone collagen. Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences 16 (8), 127 (2024)
Bareggi, A.; Giuffra, V.; Riccomi, G.: Proposed complementary osteological indicators: advancing the estimation of puberty stages in Bioarcheology. American journal of biological anthropology, e24996 (2024)
Goldstein, S. T.; Mueller, N. G.; Janzen, A.; Ogola, C.; Dal Martello, R.; Fernandes, R.; Li, S.; Iminjili, V.; Juengst, S.; Odera Otwani, A. et al.; Sawchuk, E. A.; Wang, K.; Ndiema, E.; Boivin, N.: Early agriculture and crop transitions at Kakapel Rockshelter in the Lake Victoria region of eastern Africa. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 291 (2026), 20232747 (2024)
Sanyal, P.; Adhya, S. P.; Mandal, R.; Roy, B.; Dasgupta, B.; Samantaray, S.; Sen, R.; Sarangi, V.; Kumar, A.; Jha, D. et al.; Ajay, A.: The geologic history of plants and climate in India. Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences 52, 040722-102442, S. 639 - 661 (2024)
Stantis, C.; Schaefer, B. J.; Correia, M. A.; Alaica, A. K.; Huffer, D.; Plomp, E.; Di Giusto, M.; Chidimuro, B.; Rose, A. K.; Nayak, A. et al.; Kendall, E. J.: Ethics and applications of isotope analysis in archaeology. American journal of biological anthropology, e24992 (2024)
Findley, D. M.; Amano, N.; Biong, I.; Bankoff, G.; Dacudao, P. I.; Gealogo, F.; Hamilton, R.; Pagunsan, R.; Roberts, P.: Colonial policy, ecological transformations, and agricultural “improvement”: comparing agricultural yields and expansion in the Spanish and U.S. Philippines, 1870–1925 CE. Humanities and Social Sciences Communications 11 (1), 839 (2024)
Krikunova, A. I.; Savelieva, L. A.; Long, T.; Leipe, C.; Kobe, F.; Kostromina, N. A.; Vasilyeva, A. V.; Tarasov, P. E.: Postglacial vegetation and climate change in the Lake Onega region of eastern Fennoscandia derived from a radiocarbon-dated pollen record. Quaternary International 695, 2024.04.003, S. 31 - 44 (2024)
Wang, N.; Conard, N. J.; Douka, K.: Integrating Morphological and ZooMS-Based Approaches to Zooarchaeology at Vogelherd Cave in Southwestern Germany. PaleoAnthropology (2024)
Barquera, R.; Del Castillo-Chávez, O.; Nägele, K.; Pérez-Ramallo, P.; Hernández-Zaragoza, D. I.; Szolek, A.; Rohrlach, A. B.; Librado, P.; Childebayeva, A.; Bianco, R. A. et al.; Penman, B. S.; Acuña-Alonzo, V.; Lucas, M.; Lara-Riegos, J. C.; Moo-Mezeta, M. E.; Torres-Romero, J. C.; Roberts, P.; Kohlbacher, O.; Warinner, C.; Krause, J.: Ancient genomes reveal insights into ritual life at Chichén Itzá. Nature, s41586-024-07509-7 (2024)
Taylor, W. T. T.; Hart, I. A.; Tuvshinjargal, T.; Bayarsaikhan, J.; Jarman, N. L.; Bittner, P.; López Calle, P.; Blakeslee, L. A.; Zahir, M.; Chauvey, L. et al.; Tressières, G.; Tonasso-Calvière, L.; Schiavinato, S.; Cruaud, C.; Aury, J.-M.; Oliveira, P. H.; Wincker, P.; Orlando, L.: High altitude horse use and early horse transport in eastern Eurasia: new evidence from melting ice. The Holocene, 09596836241254484 (2024)
Gillreath-Brown, A. D.; Kohler, T. A.: How maize farmers in the US Southwest grew and prospered under El Niño but suffered under La Niña. Kiva, 2348941 (2024)
Wilkin, S.; Bayarsaikhan, J.; Ganbold, A.; Batsuuri, A.; Ishtseren, L.; Nakamura, D.; Eregzen, G.; Ventresca Miller, A. R.; Miller, B. K.: Cauldrons of Bronze Age nomads reveals 2700 year old yak milk and the deep antiquity of food preparation techniques. Scientific Reports 14 (1), 11625 (2024)
Ciesielska, J. A.; Le Roux, P.; Scott, E.; Lucas, M.; Roberts, P.: Isotopic evidence for socio-economic dynamics within the capital of the Kingdom of Alwa, Sudan. African Archaeological Review 41 (2), s10437-024-09579-4, S. 271 - 291 (2024)
Daems, D.; Coco, E.; Gillreath-Brown, A. D.; Kafetzaki, D.: The effects of time-averaging on archaeological networks. Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory 31 (2), s10816-023-09608-7, S. 473 - 506 (2024)
Wolfhagen, J. L.: Estimating the ontogenetic age and sex composition of faunal assemblages with Bayesian multilevel mixture models. Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory 31 (2), s10816-023-09611-y, S. 507 - 556 (2024)
Antonosyan, M.; Hill, E.; Jodry, M.; Amano, N.; Brown, S.; Rick, T.; Boivin, N.: A new legacy: potential of zooarchaeology by mass spectrometry in the analysis of North American megafaunal remains. Frontiers in mammal science 3, 1399358 (2024)
Rouse, L. M.; Dupuy, D.; N., P.; Abdykanova, A.; Brite, E. B.; Hermes, T. R.; Kidd, F.; Luneau, E.; Miller, B. K.; Radivojević, M. et al.; Shnaider, S.; Tabaldyev, K.; Ventresca Miller, A. R.; Wright, J.: [Re]Integrating a dispersed agenda: advancing archaeological research in Central Eurasia. Antiquity, 73 (2024)
Riris, P.; Silva, F.; Crema, E.; Palmisano, A.; Robinson, E.; Siegel, P.; French, J.; Jørgensen, E. K.; Maezumi, S. Y.; Solheim, S. et al.; Bates, J.; Davies, B.; Oh, Y.; Ren, X.: Frequent disturbances enhanced the resilience of past human populations. Nature 629 (8013), s41586-024-07354-8, S. 837 - 842 (2024)
Caspari, G.; dos Santos Manuel, J.; Gago-Silva, A.; Jendryke, M.: Employing discrete global grid systems for reproducible data obfuscation. Scientific Data 11 (1), 509 (2024)
Wilkin, S.; Lanigan, L. T.; Montes, N.; Sharma, M.; Avanzi, C.; Sejdiu, D.; Majander, K.; Pfrengle, S.; Chiang, Y.; Kunz, L. et al.; Dittmann, A.; Rühli, F.; Singh, P.; Coll, M. F.; Collins, M. J.; Taurozzi, A. J.; Schuenemann, V. J.: Sequential trypsin and ProAlanase digestions unearth immunological protein biomarkers shrouded by skeletal collagen. iScience 27 (5), 109663 (2024)
Riccomi, G.; Simonit, R.; Maudet, S.; Scott, E.; Lucas, M.; Giuffra, V.; Roberts, P.: Diets, stress, and disease in the Etruscan society: isotope analysis and infantile skeletal palaeopathology from Pontecagnano (Campania, southern Italy, 730–580 BCE). PLOS ONE 19 (5), e0302334 (2024)
Heddell Stevens, P.; Jöris, O.; Britton, K.; Matthies, T.; Lucas, M.; Scott, E.; Le Roux, P.; Meller, H.; Roberts, P.: Multi-isotope reconstruction of Late Pleistocene large-herbivore biogeography and mobility patterns in Central Europe. Communications Biology 7 (1), 568 (2024)
Pérez-Ramallo, P.; Rissech, C.; Lloveras, L.; Lucas, M.; Urbina, D.; Urquijo, C.; Roberts, P.: Unravelling social status in the first medieval military order of the Iberian Peninsula using isotope analysis. Scientific Reports 14 (1), 11074 (2024)
Arniz-Mateos, R.; García-Escárzaga, A.; Fernandes, R.; González-Morales, M. R.; Gutiérrez-Zugasti, I.: Living in the shore: changes in coastal resource intensification during the Mesolithic in northern Iberia. Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences 16 (5), 79, S. 1 - 17 (2024)
Finestone, E.; Plummer, T. W.; Vincent, T. H.; Blumenthal, S. A.; Ditchfield, P. W.; Bishop, L. C.; Oliver, J. S.; Herries, A. I.R.; Palfery, C. V.; Lane, T. P. et al.; McGuire, E.; Reeves, J. S.; Rodés, A.; Whitfield, E.; Braun, D. R.; Bartilol, S. K.; Rotich, N. K.; Parkinson, J. A.; Lemorini, C.; Caricola, I.; Kinyanjui, R.; Potts, R.: New Oldowan locality Sare-Abururu (ca. 1.7 Ma) provides evidence of diverse hominin behaviors on the Homa Peninsula, Kenya. Journal of Human Evolution 190, 103498, S. 1 - 24 (2024)
García-Escárzaga, A.; Gutiérrez-Zugasti, I.; Arniz-Mateos, R.; Cuenca-Solana, D.; González-Morales, M. R.; Ilgner, J.; Lucas, M.; Colonese, A. C.; Roberts, P.: Seasonal exploitation of intertidal resources at El Mazo (N Iberia) reveals optimized human subsistence strategies during the Mesolithic in Atlantic Europe. Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences 16 (5), 76, S. 1 - 16 (2024)
Spyrou, A.; Roberts, P.; Bleasdale, M.; Lucas, M.; Crewe, L.; Simmons, A.; Webb, J.: Human-cattle interactions in PPNB and Early / Middle Bronze Age Cyprus: integrating zooarchaeological and stable isotope data. Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences 16 (5), 64, S. 1 - 17 (2024)
Frahm, E.; Saribekyan, M.; Mkrtchyan, S.; Furquim, L.; Avagyan, A.; Sahakyan, L.; Azatyan, K.; Roberts, P.; Fernandes, R.; Yepiskoposyan, L. et al.; Amano, N.; Antonosyan, M.: Increasing obsidian diversity during the Chalcolithic Period at Yeghegis-1 Rockshelter (Armenia) reveals shifts in land use and social networks. Scientific Reports 14 (1), 9528 (2024)
Ayayee, P. A.; Petersen, N.; Riusch, J.; Rauter, C.; Larsen, T.: Enhanced gut microbiome supplementation of essential amino acids in Diploptera punctata fed low-protein plant-based diet. Frontiers in insect science 4, 1396984 (2024)
Shoaee, M. J.; Vahdati Nasab, H.; Storozum, M.; Frenzel, P.; Akhavan Kharazian, M.; Fernandes, R.; Hashemi, S. M.; Jayez, M.; Amano, N.; Marzban Abbasabadi, B. et al.; Aalipoor, M.; Lucas, M.; Marzo, S.; Ilgner, J.; Patalano, R.; Roberts, P.; Boivin, N.; Petraglia, M.: Initial upper paleolithic in the Zagros Mountains. Frontiers in Earth Science 12, 1352099 (2024)
Stewart, M.; Andrieux, E.; Blinkhorn, J.; Guagnin, M.; Fernandes, R.; Vanwezer, N.; Hatton, A.; Alqahtani, M.; Zalmout, I.; Clark-Wilson, R. et al.; Al-Mufarreh, Y. S. A.; Al-Shanti, M.; Zahrani, B.; Al Omari, A.; Al-Jibreen, F.; Alsharekh, A. M.; Scerri, E. M. L.; Boivin, N.; Petraglia, M.; Groucutt, H. S.: First evidence for human occupation of a lava tube in Arabia: the archaeology of Umm Jirsan Cave and its surroundings, northern Saudi Arabia. PLOS ONE 19 (4), e0299292 (2024)
Antonosyan, M.; Roberts, P.; Aspaturyan, N.; Mkrtchyan, S.; Lucas, M.; Boxleitner, K.; Jabbour, F.; Hovhannisyan, A.; Cieślik, A.; Sahakyan, L. et al.; Avagyan, A.; Spengler, R.; Kandel, A. W.; Petraglia, M.; Boivin, N.; Yepiskoposyan, L.; Amano, N.: Multiproxy evidence for environmental stability in the lesser caucasus during the late pleistocene. Quaternary Science Reviews 330, 108559, S. 1 - 22 (2024)
Klontza-Jaklova, V.; Fernandes, R.; Geisler, A.; Klontzas, M.: Synecdemus Novus: presenting the dataset of human activities on Crete (201–1204 C.E.). Journal of open archaeology data 12, 6 (2024)
Ebert, C. E.; Hixon, S.; Buckley, G. M.; George, R. J.; Pacheco-Fores, S. I.; Palomo, J. M.; Sharpe, A. E.; Solís Torres, Ó. R.; Davis, J. B.; Fernandes, R. et al.; Kennett, D. J.: The Caribbean and Mesoamerica Biogeochemical Isotope Overview (CAMBIO). Scientific Data 11 (1), 349 (2024)
Peters, C.; Richter, K. K.; Wilkin, S.; Stark, S.; Mir Makhamad, B.; Fernandes, R.; Maksudov, F.; Mirzaakhmedov, S.; Rahmonov, H.; Schirmer, S. et al.; Ashastina, K.; Begmatov, A.; Frachetti, M.; Kurbanov, S.; Shenkar, M.; Hermes, T.; Kidd, F.; Omelchenko, A.; Huber, B.; Boivin, N. L.; Wang, S.; Lurje, P.; von Baeyer, M.; Dal Martello, R.; Spengler III, R. N.: Archaeological and molecular evidence for ancient chickens in Central Asia. Nature Communications 15, 2697 (2024)
Antonosyan, M.; Azatyan, K.; Bobokhyan, A.; Frahm, E.; Hovhannisyan, A.; Mkrtchyan, S.; Roberts, P.; Saribekyan, M.; Yepiskoposyan, L.; Amano, N.: Yeghegis-1 rockshelter site: new investigations into the late Chalcolithic of Armenia. Antiquity 98 (398), 2023.201 , S. 1 - 8 (2024)
Caetano Andrade, V. L.; Clement, C. R.; Herrera-Ramírez, D.; Larsen, T.; Durgante, F.; Boivin, N.; Schöngart, J.; Trumbore, S.; Roberts, P.: Insights into growth, ring formation and maximum ages of Brazil nut trees (Bertholletia excelsa) using 14C dating and tree-ring analysis. Radiocarbon 66 (2), 2024.39 , S. 306 - 325 (2024)
Chen, X.-Y.; Xu, Y.-G.; Tarasov, P. E.; Leipe, C.; Kim, J.-H.; Yan, S.; Park, M.-H.; Chun, J.-H.; Chen, C.; He, P.-L. et al.; Blockley, S. P. E.: Revisiting the Tianwen Yellow Pumice (TYP) eruption of Changbaishan Volcano: Tephra correlation, eruption timing and its climatostratigraphical context. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 129 (4), e2023JB028563, S. 1 - 18 (2024)
Gillreath-Brown, A. D.; Bocinsky, R. K.; Kohler, T. A.: A low-frequency summer temperature reconstruction for the United States Southwest, 3000 BC–AD 2000. The Holocene 34 (4), 09596836231219482, S. 451 - 466 (2024)
Jha, D.; Patalano, R.; Ilgner, J.; Achyuthan, H.; Alsharekh, A. M.; Armitage, S.; Blinkhorn, J.; Boivin, N.; Breeze, P. S.; Devra, R. et al.; Drake, N.; Groucutt, H. S.; Guagnin, M.; Roberts, P.; Petraglia, M.: Preservation of plant-wax biomarkers in deserts: implications for Quaternary environment and human evolutionary studies. Journal of Quaternary Science 39 (3), 3597, S. 349 - 358 (2024)
Joka, K.; Hixon, S.; Lucas, M.; Wachtel, I.; Davidovich, U.; Gonzaga Santesteban, L.; Roberts, P.: Exploring the potential of stable carbon and nitrogen isotope analysis of perennial plants from archaeological sites: a case study of olive pits and grape pips from Early Bronze Age Qedesh in the Galilee. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 54, 104410, S. 1 - 8 (2024)
Rowson, B.; Law, M.; Miller, J.; White, T.; Shipton, C.; Crowther, A.; Ndiema, E.; Petraglia, M.; Boivin, N. L.: A Quaternary sequence of terrestrial molluscs from East Africa: a record of diversity, stability, and abundance since Marine Isotope Stage 5 (78,000 BP). Archiv für Molluskenkunde 153 (1), 153/061-086, S. 61 - 86 (2024)
Smithers, R.; Ventresca Miller, A. R.; Fernandes, R.: North Central Asia isotopic database for archaeological samples. Data in Brief 53, 110032 (2024)
Zhong, L.; Larsen, T.; Scheu, S.; Pollierer, M. M.: Root-derived resources fuel earthworms predominantly via bacterial and plant energy channels – Insights from bulk and compound-specific isotope analyses. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 191, 109324 (2024)
Mir-Makhamad, B.; Lurje, P.; Parshuto, V.; Pulotov, A.; Aminov, F.; Shenkar, M.; Saidov, M.; Semenov, N.; Kurbanov, S.; Mirzaakhmedov, S. et al.; Rakhmanov, K.; Dal Martello, R.; Spengler III, R. N.: Agriculture along the upper part of the Middle Zarafshan River during the first millennium AD: a multi-site archaeobotanical analysis. PLOS ONE 19 (3), e0297896 (2024)
Vallini, L.; Zampieri, C.; Shoaee, M. J.; Bortolini, E.; Marciani, G.; Aneli, S.; Pievani, T.; Benazzi, S.; Barausse, A.; Mezzavilla, M. et al.; Petraglia, M. D.; Pagani, L.: The Persian plateau served as hub for Homo sapiens after the main out of Africa dispersal. Nature Communications 15 (1), 1882 (2024)
Boivin, N.; Braje, T.; Rick, T.: New opportunities emerge as the Anthropocene epoch vote falls short. Nature Ecology & Evolution, s41559-024-02392-x (2024)
Kraan, C. T.; Kappers, M.; Lowe, K. M.; Maezumi, S. Y.; Giovas, C. M.: Radiocarbon dates from Curaçao’s oldest Archaic site extend earliest island settlement to ca. 5700 cal BP. Journal of Island and Coastal Archaeology, 2321575 (2024)
García-Escárzaga, A.; Cantillo-Duarte, J. J.; Milano, S.; Arniz-Mateos, R.; Gutiérrez-Zugasti, I.; González-Ortegón, E.; Corona-Borrego, J. M.; Ramos-Muñoz, J.; Colonese, A. C.; Vijande-Vila, E.: Marine resource exploitation and human settlement patterns during the Neolithic in SW Europe: stable oxygen isotope analyses (δ18O) on Phorcus lineatus (da Costa, 1778) from Campo de Hockey (San Fernando, Cádiz, Spain). Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences 16 (3), 38, S. 1 - 14 (2024)
Orfanou, E.; Zach, B.; Rohrlach, A. B.; Schneider, F. N.; Paust, E.; Lucas, M.; Hermes, T.; Ilgner, J.; Scott, E.; Ettel, P. et al.; Haak, W.; Spengler, R.; Roberts, P.: Biomolecular evidence for changing millet reliance in Late Bronze Age central Germany. Scientific Reports 14 (1), 4382 (2024)
Minatre, K. L.; Arienzo, M. M.; Moosmüller, H.; Maezumi, S. Y.: Charcoal analysis for temperature reconstruction with infrared spectroscopy. Frontiers in Earth Science 12, 1354080 (2024)
Minatre, K. L.; Arienzo, M. M.; Moosmüller, H.; Maezumi, S. Y.: Charcoal analysis for temperature reconstruction with infrared spectroscopy. Frontiers in Earth Science 12, 1354080 (2024)
Sayedi, S. S.; Abbott, B. W.; Vannière, B.; Leys, B.; Colombaroli, D.; Romera, G. G.; Słowiński, M.; Aleman, J. C.; Blarquez, O.; Feurdean, A. et al.; Brown, K.; Aakala, T.; Alenius, T.; Allen, K.; Andric, M.; Bergeron, Y.; Biagioni, S.; Bradshaw, R.; Bremond, L.; Brisset, E.; Brooks, J.; Brugger, S. O.; Brussel, T.; Cadd, H.; Cagliero, E.; Carcaillet, C.; Carter, V.; Catry, F. X.; Champreux, A.; Chaste, E.; Chavardès, R. D.; Chipman, M.; Conedera, M.; Connor, S.; Constantine, M.; Mustaphi, C. C.; Dabengwa, A. N.; Daniels, W.; Boer, E. D.; Dietze, E.; Estrany, J.; Fernandes, P.; Finsinger, W.; Flantua, S. G. A.; Fox-Hughes, P.; Gaboriau, D. M.; M.Gayo, E.; Girardin, M. P.; Glenn, J.; Glückler, R.; González-Arango, C.; Groves, M.; Hamilton, D. S.; Hamilton, R. J.; Hantson, S.; Hapsari, K. A.; Hardiman, M.; Hawthorne, D.; Hoffman, K.; Inoue, J.; Karp, A. T.; Krebs, P.; Kulkarni, C.; Kuosmanen, N.; Lacourse, T.; Ledru, M.-P.; Lestienne, M.; Long, C.; López-Sáez, J. A.; Loughlin, N.; Niklasson, M.; Madrigal, J.; Maezumi, S. Y.; Marcisz, K.; Mariani, M.; McWethy, D.; Meyer, G.; Molinari, C.; Montoya, E.; Mooney, S.; Morales-Molino, C.; Morris, J.; Moss, P.; Oliveras, I.; Pereira, J. M.; Pezzatti, G. B.; Pickarski, N.; Pini, R.; Rehn, E.; Remy, C. C.; Revelles, J.; Rius, D.; Robin, V.; Ruan, Y.; Rudaya, N.; Russell-Smith, J.; Seppä, H.; Shumilovskikh, L.; T.Sommers, W.; Tavşanoğlu, Ç.; Umbanhowar, C.; Urquiaga, E.; Urrego, D.; Vachula, R. S.; Wallenius, T.; You, C.; Daniau, A.-L.: Assessing changes in global fire regimes. Fire ecology 20, 18 (2024)
Sayedi, S. S.; Abbott, B. W.; Vannière, B.; Leys, B.; Colombaroli, D.; Romera, G. G.; Słowiński, M.; Aleman, J. C.; Blarquez, O.; Feurdean, A. et al.; Brown, K.; Aakala, T.; Alenius, T.; Allen, K.; Andric, M.; Bergeron, Y.; Biagioni, S.; Bradshaw, R.; Bremond, L.; Brisset, E.; Brooks, J.; Brugger, S. O.; Brussel, T.; Cadd, H.; Cagliero, E.; Carcaillet, C.; Carter, V.; Catry, F. X.; Champreux, A.; Chaste, E.; Chavardès, R. D.; Chipman, M.; Conedera, M.; Connor, S.; Constantine, M.; Mustaphi, C. C.; Dabengwa, A. N.; Daniels, W.; Boer, E. D.; Dietze, E.; Estrany, J.; Fernandes, P.; Finsinger, W.; Flantua, S. G. A.; Fox-Hughes, P.; Gaboriau, D. M.; M.Gayo, E.; Girardin, M. P.; Glenn, J.; Glückler, R.; González-Arango, C.; Groves, M.; Hamilton, D. S.; Hamilton, R. J.; Hantson, S.; Hapsari, K. A.; Hardiman, M.; Hawthorne, D.; Hoffman, K.; Inoue, J.; Karp, A. T.; Krebs, P.; Kulkarni, C.; Kuosmanen, N.; Lacourse, T.; Ledru, M.-P.; Lestienne, M.; Long, C.; López-Sáez, J. A.; Loughlin, N.; Niklasson, M.; Madrigal, J.; Maezumi, S. Y.; Marcisz, K.; Mariani, M.; McWethy, D.; Meyer, G.; Molinari, C.; Montoya, E.; Mooney, S.; Morales-Molino, C.; Morris, J.; Moss, P.; Oliveras, I.; Pereira, J. M.; Pezzatti, G. B.; Pickarski, N.; Pini, R.; Rehn, E.; Remy, C. C.; Revelles, J.; Rius, D.; Robin, V.; Ruan, Y.; Rudaya, N.; Russell-Smith, J.; Seppä, H.; Shumilovskikh, L.; T.Sommers, W.; Tavşanoğlu, Ç.; Umbanhowar, C.; Urquiaga, E.; Urrego, D.; Vachula, R. S.; Wallenius, T.; You, C.; Daniau, A.-L.: Assessing changes in global fire regimes. Fire ecology 20, 18 (2024)
Sayedi, S. S.; Abbott, B. W.; Vannière, B.; Leys, B.; Colombaroli, D.; Romera, G. G.; Słowiński, M.; Aleman, J. C.; Blarquez, O.; Feurdean, A. et al.; Brown, K.; Aakala, T.; Alenius, T.; Allen, K.; Andric, M.; Bergeron, Y.; Biagioni, S.; Bradshaw, R.; Bremond, L.; Brisset, E.; Brooks, J.; Brugger, S. O.; Brussel, T.; Cadd, H.; Cagliero, E.; Carcaillet, C.; Carter, V.; Catry, F. X.; Champreux, A.; Chaste, E.; Chavardès, R. D.; Chipman, M.; Conedera, M.; Connor, S.; Constantine, M.; Courtney Mustaphi, C.; Dabengwa, A. N.; Daniels, W.; De Boer, E.; Dietze, E.; Estrany, J.; Fernandes, P.; Finsinger, W.; Flantua, S. G. A.; Fox-Hughes, P.; Gaboriau, D. M.; M.Gayo, E.; Girardin, M. P.; Glenn, J.; Glückler, R.; González-Arango, C.; Groves, M.; Hamilton, D. S.; Hamilton, R. J.; Hantson, S.; Hapsari, K. A.; Hardiman, M.; Hawthorne, D.; Hoffman, K.; Inoue, J.; Karp, A. T.; Krebs, P.; Kulkarni, C.; Kuosmanen, N.; Lacourse, T.; Ledru, M.-P.; Lestienne, M.; Long, C.; López-Sáez, J. A.; Loughlin, N.; Niklasson, M.; Madrigal, J.; Maezumi, S. Y.; Marcisz, K.; Mariani, M.; McWethy, D.; Meyer, G.; Molinari, C.; Montoya, E.; Mooney, S.; Morales-Molino, C.; Morris, J.; Moss, P.; Oliveras, I.; Pereira, J. M.; Pezzatti, G. B.; Pickarski, N.; Pini, R.; Rehn, E.; Remy, C. C.; Revelles, J.; Rius, D.; Robin, V.; Ruan, Y.; Rudaya, N.; Russell-Smith, J.; Seppä, H.; Shumilovskikh, L.; T.Sommers, W.; Tavşanoğlu, Ç.; Umbanhowar, C.; Urquiaga, E.; Urrego, D.; Vachula, R. S.; Wallenius, T.; You, C.; Daniau, A.-L.: Assessing changes in global fire regimes. Fire ecology 20 (1), 18 (2024)
Sayedi, S. S.; Abbott, B. W.; Vannière, B.; Leys, B.; Colombaroli, D.; Romera, G. G.; Słowiński, M.; Aleman, J. C.; Blarquez, O.; Feurdean, A. et al.; Brown, K.; Aakala, T.; Alenius, T.; Allen, K.; Andric, M.; Bergeron, Y.; Biagioni, S.; Bradshaw, R.; Bremond, L.; Brisset, E.; Brooks, J.; Brugger, S. O.; Brussel, T.; Cadd, H.; Cagliero, E.; Carcaillet, C.; Carter, V.; Catry, F. X.; Champreux, A.; Chaste, E.; Chavardès, R. D.; Chipman, M.; Conedera, M.; Connor, S.; Constantine, M.; Courtney Mustaphi, C.; Dabengwa, A. N.; Daniels, W.; De Boer, E.; Dietze, E.; Estrany, J.; Fernandes, P.; Finsinger, W.; Flantua, S. G. A.; Fox-Hughes, P.; Gaboriau, D. M.; M.Gayo, E.; Girardin, M. P.; Glenn, J.; Glückler, R.; González-Arango, C.; Groves, M.; Hamilton, D. S.; Hamilton, R. J.; Hantson, S.; Hapsari, K. A.; Hardiman, M.; Hawthorne, D.; Hoffman, K.; Inoue, J.; Karp, A. T.; Krebs, P.; Kulkarni, C.; Kuosmanen, N.; Lacourse, T.; Ledru, M.-P.; Lestienne, M.; Long, C.; López-Sáez, J. A.; Loughlin, N.; Niklasson, M.; Madrigal, J.; Maezumi, S. Y.; Marcisz, K.; Mariani, M.; McWethy, D.; Meyer, G.; Molinari, C.; Montoya, E.; Mooney, S.; Morales-Molino, C.; Morris, J.; Moss, P.; Oliveras, I.; Pereira, J. M.; Pezzatti, G. B.; Pickarski, N.; Pini, R.; Rehn, E.; Remy, C. C.; Revelles, J.; Rius, D.; Robin, V.; Ruan, Y.; Rudaya, N.; Russell-Smith, J.; Seppä, H.; Shumilovskikh, L.; T.Sommers, W.; Tavşanoğlu, Ç.; Umbanhowar, C.; Urquiaga, E.; Urrego, D.; Vachula, R. S.; Wallenius, T.; You, C.; Daniau, A.-L.: Assessing changes in global fire regimes. Fire ecology 20 (1), 18 (2024)
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