Publications of Alicia R. Ventresca Miller

Journal Article (27)

Journal Article
Ventresca Miller, A. R.; Johnson, J. A.; Makhortykh, S.; Litvinova, L.; Taylor, T.; Rolle, R.; Makarewicz, C. A.: Mobility and diet in the Iron Age Pontic forest-steppe: A multi-isotopic study of urban populations at Bel'sk. Archaeometry 61 (6), 12493, pp. 1399 - 1416 (2019)
Journal Article
Stephens, L.; Fuller, D.; Boivin, N. L.; Rick, T.; Gauthier, N.; Kay, A.; Marwick, B.; Armstrong, C. G.; Barton, C. M.; Denham, T. et al.; Douglass, K.; Driver, J.; Janz, L.; Roberts, P.; Rogers, J. D.; Heather, T.; Altaweel, M.; Johnson, A. L.; Sampietro Vattuone, M. M.; Aldenderfer, M.; Archila, S.; Artioli, G.; Bale, M. T.; Beach, T.; Borrell, F.; Braje, T.; Buckland, P. I.; Jiménez Cano, N. G.; Capriles, J. M.; Diez Castillo, A.; Cilingiroglu, C.; Negus Cleary, M.; Conolly, J.; Coutros, P. R.; Covey, R. A.; Cremaschi, M.; Crowther, A.; Der, L.; di Lernia, S.; Doershuk, J. F.; Doolittle, W. E.; Edwards, K. J.; Erlandson, J. M.; Evans, D.; Fairbairn, A.; Faulkner, P.; Feinman, G.; Fernandes, R.; Fitzpatrick, S. M.; Fyfe, R.; Garcea, E.; Goldstein, S. T.; Goodman, R. C.; Dalpoim Guedes, J.; Herrmann, J.; Hiscock, P.; Hommel, P.; Horsburgh, K. A.; Hritz, C.; Ives, J. W.; Junno, A.; Kahn, J. G.; Kaufman, B.; Kearns, C.; Kidder, T. R.; Lanoë, F.; Lawrence, D.; Lee, G.-A.; Levin, M. J.; Lindskoug, H. B.; López-Sáez, J. A.; Macrae, S.; Marchant, R.; Marston, J. M.; McClure, S.; McCoy, M. D.; Ventresca Miller, A. R.; Morrison, M.; Motuzaite Matuzeviciute, G.; Müller, J.; Nayak, A.; Noerwidi, S.; Peres, T. M.; Peterson, C. E.; Proctor, L.; Randall, A. R.; Renette, S.; Robbins Schug, G.; Ryzewski, K.; Saini, R.; Scheinsohn, V.; Schmidt, P.; Sebillaud, P.; Seitsonen, O.; Simpson, I. A.; Sołtysiak, A.; Speakman, R. J.; Spengler III, R. N.; Steffen, M. L.; Storozum, M. J.; Strickland, K. M.; Thompson, J.; Thurston, T. L.; Ulm, S.; Ustunkaya, M. C.; Welker, M. H.; West, C.; Williams, P. R.; Wright, D. K.; Wright, N.; Zahir, M.; Zerboni, A.; Beaudoin, E.; Munevar Garcia, S.; Powell, J.; Thornton, A.; Kaplan, J. O.; Gaillard, M.-J.; Klein Goldewijk, K.; Ellis, E.: Archaeological assessment reveals Earth’s early transformation through land use. Science 365 (6456), pp. 897 - 902 (2019)
Journal Article
Ventresca Miller, A. R.; Makarewicz, C. A.: Intensification in pastoralist cereal use coincides with the expansion of trans-regional networks in the Eurasian Steppe. Scientific Reports 9 (1), 8363 (2019)
Journal Article
Ventresca Miller, A. R.; Bragina, T. M.; Abil, Y. A.; Rulyova, M. M.; Makarewicz, C. A.: Pasture usage by ancient pastoralists in the northern Kazakh steppe informed by carbon and nitrogen isoscapes of contemporary floral biomes. Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences 11 (5), pp. 2151 - 2166 (2019)
Journal Article
Hanks, B.; Ventresca Miller, A. R.; Judd, M.; Epimakhov, A.; Razhev, D.; Privat, K.: Bronze Age diet and economy: New stable isotope data from the Central Eurasian steppes (2100-1700 BC). Journal of Archaeological Science 97, pp. 14 - 25 (2018)
Journal Article
Ventresca Miller, A. R.; Fernandes, R.; Janzen, A.; Nayak, A.; Swift, J. A.; Zech, J.; Boivin, N. L.; Roberts, P.: Sampling and pretreatment of tooth enamel carbonate for stable carbon and oxygen isotope analysis. Journal of Visualized Experiments (138), e58002 (2018)
Journal Article
Judd, M. A.; Walker, J. L.; Ventresca Miller, A. R.; Razhev, D.; Epimakhov, A. V.; Hanks, B. K.: Life in the fast lane: Settled pastoralism in the Central Eurasian Steppe during the Middle Bronze Age. American Journal of Human Biology 30 (4), e23129 (2018)
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