Publications of Stephan Schiffels
All genres
Journal Article (31)
Journal Article
18 (5), 0284785 (2023)
Confronting historical legacies of biological anthropology in South Africa—Restitution, redress and community-centered science: the Sutherland Nine. PLoS One 2.
Journal Article
52 (2), 94341, pp. 225 - 248 (2023)
Missing lactase persistence in Late Iron Age Central Europe. Archäologisches Korrespondenzblatt 3.
Journal Article
25 (5), 104244 (2022)
Genomic and dietary transitions during the Mesolithic and Early Neolithic in Sicily. iScience 4.
Journal Article
599 (7883), s41586-021-04008-x, pp. 41 - 46 (2021)
Ethics of DNA research on human remains: five globally applicable guidelines. Nature 5.
Journal Article
374 (6564), abi5658, pp. 182 - 188 (2021)
Ten millennia of hepatitis B virus evolution. Science 6.
Journal Article
7 (35), 6941 (2021)
Dynamic changes in genomic and social structures in third millennium BCE central Europe. Science Advances 7.
Journal Article
Reconstructing genetic histories and social organisation in Neolithic and Bronze Age Croatia. Scientific Reports, 16729 (2021)
Journal Article
6 (60), 3092 (2021)
bleiglas: An R package for interpolation and visualisation of spatiotemporal data with 3D tessellation. The Journal of Open Source Software 9.
Journal Article
591 (7850), s41586-021-03336-2, pp. 413 - 419 (2021)
Genomic insights into the formation of human populations in East Asia. Nature 10.
Journal Article
12, 632 (2021)
Ancient proteins provide evidence of dairy consumption in eastern Africa. Nature Communications 11.
Journal Article
183 (4), pp. 890 - 904.e29 (2020)
A dynamic 6,000-year genetic history of Eurasia’s eastern steppe. Cell 12.
Journal Article
6 (24), eaaz0183 (2020)
Ancient genomes reveal complex patterns of population movement, interaction, and replacement in sub-Saharan Africa. Science Advances 13.
Journal Article
6 (22), eaaz5344 , pp. 1 - 16 (2020)
Ancient genome-wide DNA from France highlights the complexity of interactions between Mesolithic hunter-gatherers and Neolithic farmers. Science Advances 14.
Journal Article
11, 1915 (2020)
Ancient genomes reveal social and genetic structure of Late Neolithic Switzerland. Nature Communications 15.
Journal Article
16 (3), e1008552, pp. 1 - 24 (2020)
Tracking human population structure through time from whole genome sequences. PLoS Genetics 16.
Journal Article
366 (6466), aax6219 , pp. 731 - 734 (2019)
Kinship-based social inequality in Bronze Age Europe. Science 17.
Journal Article
570 (7760), s41586-019-1251-y, pp. 236 - 240 (2019)
Palaeo-Eskimo genetic ancestry and the peopling of Chukotka and North America. Nature 18.
Journal Article
3, pp. 966 - 976 (2019)
The genetic history of admixture across inner Eurasia. Nature Ecology & Evolution 19.
Journal Article
29 (7), pp. 1169 - 1177 (2019)
Survival of Late Pleistocene Hunter-Gatherer ancestry in the Iberian Peninsula. Current Biology 20.
Journal Article
10 (1), 590 (2019)
Ancient human genome-wide data from a 3000-year interval in the Caucasus corresponds with eco-geographic regions. Nature Communications