Selected Events

Host: Department of Archaeology

New Frontiers in Anthropocene Archaeology

DA Workshop

Distinguished Lecture by Prof. Fiona Marshall: "Ancient herders enriched and restructured African grasslands"

Distinguished Lecturer Seminar Series
As the world population approaches 8 billion and we are faced with climatic and political uncertainty, global food security is becoming a growing concern. However, humans throughout history and prehistory have faced uncertainty in their food production systems, often in response to political changes, social turmoil, climate change, and/or technological shifts. There are many historical examples of changing political regimes directly effecting which crops farmers plant or the way that crops are cultivated, harvested, and processed. This workshop will discuss reconstructions of ancient food security strategies as a tool to develop practices for future economic sustainability. The study of ancient food security allows us to examine this issue at a chronological scale inaccessible to modern research, and in diverse social, cultural, and political contexts. We are particularly interested in exploring the ecological and social consequences of the transition from traditional agricultural systems, focused on low investment crops to systems dependent on crops of high yield, but high labor and resource input. Often, the transition to high input crops is fueled by cash cropping and ties people into unstable market economies. These economic transitions commonly reshape economic strategies from recruitment of diverse resources to intensification of a narrow suite of foods. These historical food transitions parallel, in many ways, modern shifts from small-scale family farms to large agrobusiness ventures. In this workshop, we seek to develop methods to document if and how people maintained food production under rapidly changing political, ecological, and economic systems. [more]

International Applications of Archaeological Sciences 2019

DA Workshop
In response to the overwhelmingly positive feedback to the first training in March of 2018, the Department of Archaeology has decided to run this international training course for a second consecutive year. The course will be held at the department’s research and laboratory facilities in Jena, Germany. [more]
Organized by Alicia Ventresca Miller. [more]

Global Markers of the Anthropocene

DA Workshop
This workshop aims to explore the feasibility of implementing a global study to systematically track and record markers of human activity from the past to the present day. It will bring together a group of multidisciplinary scholars from such diverse fields as archaeology, geology and Earth Sciences to explore the feasibility and practicality of a global scale study or set of studies, drawing on both existing datasets and new field data. The workshop will bring together Max Planck Society and external researchers, including researchers from the Anthropocene Working Group, for a two-day series of presentations and discussions at the Haus der Kulturen der Welt in Berlin. [more]

Distinguished Lecture by Katerina Harvati-Papatheodorou: "Neanderthals and early modern humans: New results from the lab and field"

Distinguished Lecturer Seminar Series
Max Planck Institute Notice