Workshop Forest Cities: Multidisciplinary Approaches to Urbanism in the Amazon/ Project Launch Resilient
- Start: Nov 27, 2023
- End: Nov 28, 2023
- Speaker: Various
- Location: Hybrid Format - Max Planck Institute of Geoanthropology, seminar rooms Villa V.03 & V.14
- Host: Patrick Roberts & Danielle Heberle

Research on urbanism in tropical forests has played a pivotal role in challenging the enduring envision of pristine nature. On the other hand, the term evokes a specific definition that constantly requires attention to avoid anachronistic approaches. In light of this, we intend to promote a critical analysis of urbanism in the Amazon on long-term (centuries to millennia) and short-term (decades to years) timescales.
During a two two-day international Workshop, we will welcome at the Max Planck Institute of Geoanthropology researchers, professors, and young scholars from different backgrounds based in the United States, Brazil, England, Portugal, Switzerland, and Germany. The program includes multiple presentation formats from lectures to book and paper talks.
We will start on Monday 27 morning with the panel “INTRODUCING & CORRELATING FOREST CITIES: concepts, frameworks, approaches” paying attention to different theoretical and disciplinary perspectives on forest cities in the Anthropocene. The first panel will be followed by the launch of the Gerda Henkel three three-year project RESILIENT: forest cities, utopia and development in Modern Amazon ” hosted at MPI MPI-GEA within the IsoTROPIC research group in cooperation with the University of Geneva and the University of Coimbra.
The following panel “ESTABLISHING & COMPARING FOREST CITIES: Amazonian industrial and Indigenous urbanism” will then focus on a series of case studies which underline crucial differences on what urbanism means culturally, economically, politically and environmentally across space and time. We will close the first day with broader discussions on human history in the Amazon.
The workshop continues on Tuesday morning. The panel “EXPANDING & CONSERVING FOREST CITIES: Indigenous Resistance and Biodiversity Protection” compiles emerging topics relating to the future protection of the Amazon rainforest and its populations along with a discussion about genetic resources, indigenous knowledge, and climate change.
Finally, we close the Workshop with the panel “CHALLENGING & ENVISION FOREST CITIES : cosmological alternatives and Amazonian culture” which brings together experts from different fields to discuss the role of the imaginaries in the promotion of extractivism projects in the rainforest and to shed light on more than human multimulti-species’) relationships involved in the making of multiple Amazonian forest cities.
Attendance in Person and Virtually
If you are keen to participate online only, you are welcome to join spontaneously at your convenience:
Meeting ID: 659 4098 6112
If you are planning to come to MPI-GEA in person, you should fill out the following form: Registration Form
We are offering a limited number of slots to join us for lunch on both days.
V.14 + V.03 seminar rooms in Villa
Max Planck Institute of Geoanthropology
Kahlaische Str. 10,
07745 Jena,
Please find the full workshop program here.