Available Now: What Dogs Know (Was Hunde wissen)
My dog understands me! At least, many dog owners think so. New scientific studies actually show that dogs understand a lot about us humans. For example, they can judge what humans can and cannot see. Some dogs can even distinguish between a large number of toys by name, like the Border Collie Rico who earned international fame.
But do dogs also understand our emotions? Can they grasp cause and effect relationships? What fascinates us humans about dogs? Is it only the proverbial ‘puppy dog eyes’ that make dogs look sympathetic? Or is it the fact that these animals have grown well-attuned to humans and are willing to cooperate with them?
In a total of ten chapters, Juliane Bräuer and Juliane Kaminski present the results of the most important scientific studies on dog cognition of the last twenty years. Was Hunde wissen is available now (German only) from Springer.