DLCE Workshop "Language shift and substratum interference in (pre)history"
DLCE Workshop
- Beginn: 11.07.2017 09:00
- Ende: 12.07.2017 18:00
- Ort: MPI SHH Jena
- Raum: Villa V14
- Gastgeber: Department of Linguistic and Cultural Evolution
- Kontakt: schueck@shh.mpg.de

Invited speakers: John Peterson (University of Kiel), Sarah Thomason (University of Michigan), Lars Johanson (University of Mainz)
Organizers: Martine Robbeets, Susanne Maria Michaelis, Martin Haspelmath
If you want to attend the workshop, please register as soon as possible by writing to Kerstin Schück-Tittmann: schueck@shh.mpg.de
Workshop programme
Venue: Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History (Jena), seminar room V14 in the villa on the first floor
Tuesday, 11 July 2017
8.00-9.00 | Registration |
9.00-9.15 | Welcome |
9.15-10.00 | plenary talk Sarah G. Thomason (U Michigan): On establishing ancient shift-induced interference: Problems and prospects |
10.00-10.45 | plenary talk Lars Johanson (Mainz U): Carry-over code copying and genealogical relatedness |
10.45-11.15 | Martine Robbeets, Nataliia Neshcheret, Chuanchao Wang, Choongwon Jeong & Tao Li (MPI-SHH, Jena): A Pacific North East Coast substratum in the Transeurasian languages? |
11.15-11.45 | Coffee break |
11.45-12.15 | Anna Berge (U Alaska Fairbanks): Late prehistoric language contact effects in Unangam Tunuu (Aleut) |
12.15-12.45 | David Gil (MPI-SHH, Jena): The Austronesianization of Indonesia |
12.45-13.15 | Antoinette Schapper (KITLV Leiden): Substratum inference through lexical patterns: A case study from Sunda-Sahul |
13.15-14.15 | Lunch |
14.15-14.45 | K. Alexander Adelaar (U Melbourne): Malagasy: The result of language shift and limited borrowing from Bantu |
14.45-15.15 | Jeffrey Heath (U Michigan): Two cruxes of W/NW African linguistic prehistory (Songhay, Moroccan Arabic) |
15.15-15.45 | Dmitry Idiatov & Mark Van de Velde (LLACAN – CNRS, Paris): The lexical frequency of labial-velar stops as a window on the linguistic prehistory of northern sub-Saharan Africa |
15.45-16.15 | Coffee break |
16.15-16.45 | Tom Güldemann (MPI-SHH (Jena), HU Berlin): Toward a more systematic investigation of substrates: the case of Afrabia |
16.45-17.15 | Koen Bostoen & Hilde Gunnink (Ghent U): The impact of autochthonous languages on Bantu language variation: A comparative view on Southern and Central Africa |
17.15-17.45 | Francesca Di Garbo & Annemarie Verkerk (MPI-SHH (Jena), Stockholm U): Radical restructuring of gender systems in the northern Bantu borderlands as a potential substrate effect |
Wednesday, 12 July 2017
9.00-9.45 | plenary talk John Peterson (U Kiel): The prehistorical spread of Austro-Asiatic in South Asia |
9.45-10.15 | Marlyse Baptista, Jinho Baik, Ken Kollman & Alton Worthington (U Michigan): Modelling dynamic processes and language shift in creole genesis |
10.15-10.45 | Susanne Maria Michaelis (Leipzig U, MPI-SHH): Explaining the features of creole languages: Language shift and the division of labor between substrates and lexifiers |
10.45-11.15 | Coffee break |
11.15-11.45 | Marwan Kilani (U Oxford): Language interferences in Egyptian: A semantic diachronic perspective |
11.45-12.15 | Lameen Souag (LACITO – CNRS, Paris): The distribution of substratum interference in Maghrebi Arabic |
12.15-12.45 | Rodrigo Hernáiz (U Marburg, U Barcelona): From prehistorical language convergence to (early) historical language shift: The Sumero-Akkadian contact scenario |
12.45-14.15 | Lunch |
14.15-14.45 | Eugen Hill (U Cologne): Language shift, substratum interference and the historical phonology of Slavonic |
14.45-15.15 | Björn Wiemer (U Mainz): Did Finno-Ugric and Turkic substrata and adstrata help consolidate the Slavic aspect system? |
15.15-15.45 | Fabian Dustin Zuk (U Montréal, U Lyon III): Reprendre sa langue au chat: The Gaulish substrate resonates in modern Gallo-Romance vernaculars |
15.45-16.15 | Coffee break |
16.15-16.45 | Russell Gray, Mary Walworth, Adam Powell & Annemarie Verkerk (MPI-SHH, Jena): Waves of history and layers of evidence: what can the combination of linguistics and genetics tell us about the nature, timing and impact of Papuan contact on the Austronesian languages of Vanuatu? |
16.45-17.15 | Martin Kümmel (U Jena): Substrates and the development of Indo-Iranian |
17.15-17.45 | Jarich Hoekstra (U Kiel): On the fringe between West and North Germanic: The Danish substrate in North Frisian |